Chapter 5

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"How much longer?" Merida groaned.

"About an hour if we're lucky." Jack said as he put the map back. He sighed. Merida turned to complain more to Jack. She saw something in the distance. She squinted to see better. It looked like a black cloud.

"Looks like it's going to rain." She said. She pointed towards the cloud. Jack turned around and looked at the cloud. It was getting closer and closer to them.

"It's too fast for a cloud." Jack said. He realised what it was. "Nightmares." He whispered.

"What?" Merida asked.

"Nightmares." Jack said more clearly. He gripped his staff. The nightmares came in view. They looked like horses. "Prepare your bow."

"I'm not preparing my bow just to shoot a few horses." Merida said.

"Do it." Jack said. Merida crossed her arms.

"Uh, guys. Toothless can sh-" Hiccup began to say but was interrupted by Jack.

"Merida, we need your weapons. These aren't just horses." He said.

"It'll be a waist of arrows!" Merida yelled. Suddenly a nightmare almost crashed into the three. Jack shot it. It fell out of the sky.

"Merida!" Jack yelled as he shot another nightmare.

"Fine." Merida groaned. She set up her bow and shot a nightmare.

"Guys. Toothless can-" Hiccup began but was cut off again by Jack.

"Just focus on steering." Jack said. He shot a few more nightmares. Merida pierced another one.

"But he can sh-"

"There's too many!" Merida yelled. Hiccup sighed.

"Hold on." He said. Merida raised an eyebrow. Suddenly Toothless turned so he was facing the nightmares. He shot a fireball at the nightmares. It exploded and sent nightmares flying everywhere. Only a few nightmares survived. They retreated as Toothless turned back on track. Hiccup kept quite to stop himself from boasting.

"Why didn't you do that before?" Merida yelled.

"Jack said just to keep driving." Hiccup replied. A smug grin appeared on his face. Jack winced. Merida glared at Jack.

"I wasted arrows because of you!" She yelled. Jack grimaced.

"Sorry." He said. Merida pushed him. He pushed back. She pushed him again and he fell off. Merida gasped. She looked down to find Jack floating underneath them.

"I knew you loved me." Jack teased. Merida glared at him.

"Oh just bugger off!" She said. Jack laughed as he floated up next to them. Hiccup sighed again. This was going to be a long trip.

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