Since Birth

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Anne and my mom remained friends even after they got jobs in different parts of the country, Anne stayed in Holmes Chapel and my mom moved to Wolverhampton. To be honest I think its quite nice that they still kept in contact, they relied on each other for support and advice, especially when it came to boyfriends… 

“I hear my new boss is quite the charmer.” my mom whispered down the phone in the drivers seat out side of her new office building.

“ooh this might be it Luce! You never know.” Anne giggled back, her smirk shining through her voice.

“haha no. He might be disgusting!” she answered leaning on the steering wheel. Checking her watch she hastily said goodbye to Anne, grabbed her handbag and walked inside.

Apparently it was ‘love at first sight’ when my mom walked through the small lobby area to his office labelled ‘MR BROOKS’ at the age of 21 and were married within a year. Anne was her maid of honour and according to everyone else, the wedding was ‘perfect’. 

Anne soon got married to Des Styles. The week after their wedding my mom revealed she was pregnant with my oldest brother Lucas, when he was born Anne was my dad’s plus one for moral support, so she witnessed the whole birth, I think that’s disgusting but it does show how much they trusted one another. When Lucas was growing up Anne and Des would always baby sit if my parents ever needed to go on weekends away for business or anything. 

Around about the time my mom found out she was pregnant with my big sister, Anne told them she was pregnant with her first child, Gemma. So my sister Alice and Gemma were born around about the same time, our mothers went to the hospital for both of the births again, it became a sort of tradition between the two of them. It is nice that they are the same age because whenever our two families go on holiday (which is almost every half term and school break we have) they share a room and do stuff together. 

A few years later, Anne called my mom to tell her that she was pregnant, which was quite a coincidence because the day she called her my mom found out that she was pregnant with me! I know that sounds like some weird planned thing but they swear it isn’t. once again my mother went with Anne to the hospital when she gave birth to Harry. It all goes downhill from there. 

After Harry was born my mom still had a few months left of her pregnancy (with me). The months passed and I wasn’t showing any signs of being ready to be born. Apparently I still hadn’t had enough nutrients or something so when the due date came along my mom was admitted to hospital, during her time there she and my dad decided that I should be called Rebecca, they say they chose that because the name means to tie or bind something together. It seems strange I know but apparently Lucas and Alice didn’t really get on so they hoped I would bring them together or something stupid like that. Anyway, while my mom was in hospital she was given all kinds of medicine to give me the stuff that I needed. The medicine made my mom too tired to do anything so when the time came for me to be born she had to have a c-section (which Anne sat through as well, ew), leaving her with a massive scar across her stomach that made it hurt when she moved for about two months which meant that Anne and baby Harry had to come and help with looking after me while my dad was at work until my mom felt better. 

So Harry and I were practically together since birth.

Hello! Please excuse any mistakes or rubbish sentances! This is my first fanfic and I have no idea what to write lol, hopefully I'll get better!  The first couple of chapters will be in past tence kind of giving the whole background of the story, the interesting stuff will hopefully come when it switches to present tense ;) x

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