Chapter 2

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“Becky you’d better start packing” Alice says “If you need anything I’ll take you shopping tomorrow if you want” she offers. I have three days left before I leave for London and I have never been more excited I think.

“Thanks Al, I’ll go and write a kit list” I joke, when we used to be in Guides together we’d write kit lists for camp and stuff like that. I walk up to my room and sit in the middle of my bed, grab a notebook and pen and begin to write down all the things I need then getting up and checking in my draws and wardrobe to see if I have it, if not I add it to the ‘things to buy’ list. 

After half an hour both lists are complete and I have nothing to do. After my last exam I’ve felt like everything I do is a waste of time, like I should be revising. Its made me think that I spent so much time revising and not being a teenager and doing what teenagers do. Every Saturday I meet up with Hollie, Lee and occasionally a few other friends and we just construct dance routines and practise them all day. I still have my course thing every Tuesday and Thursday, but besides that I don’t do anything at all. 

Mom has also signed me up for a singing competition in Birmingham in August, its February now so I have plenty of time to prepare, unlike that stupid contest we did in Germany. I still have the trophy stored on the shelf in the top of my wardrobe. I chuckle at the memory of Harry trying to speak German. 

“Have you done a list?” Alice asks walking into my room and sitting on my bed. I show her the notebook and she smiles. “Very organised” she smiles “Are you doing anything now?”.

“Nope I think I might put a film on or something I don’t know” I reply I am really bored.

“Well shall we go shopping now?” she suggests.

“Yeah okay let me just get dressed” I say.

“Oh can I pick your outfit!?” she asks excitedly.

“Yeah sure Coco Chanel” We both laugh at the nickname Harry gave her.

“Wow I haven’t heard that one in a long time” she smiles, rummaging through my wardrobe and passing me a blue casual dress that fits perfectly “Put that one on it looks nice on you” she says, I do as she says and pull my pyjamas off and step into the dress, she hands me a pair of tights and a cardigan before moving to my dressing table looking for accessories. I don’t usually bother with necklaces and rings and stuff but she enjoys it so I’ll just let her play dress up. She picks up Harry’s bracelet and examines it, “Where did you get this from?” she asks.

“Harry gave it to me ages ago” I say

“Its really expensive, put it on its pretty” she says, giving it to me, I slip it over my wrist and it looks nice with my dress.

“Are you done now?” I ask, she turns round and examines my attire. 

“Hang on” she says, she runs out of the room and comes back with a plum coloured cardigan and her favourite lace up military boots “Stick these on” she says. I love having a sister who wears the same size everything as me, especially when she’s a fashion student! 

“Thank you!” I say looking in the mirror at my outfit. I’d usually just wear jeans and a hoodie, this is why I love it when my sister comes home from uni.

“Lets go” she says, I grab my phone and purse and stick them in her handbag and before we leave she tells our dad where we’re going who just replies with a nod. I also love having chilled parents, they trust us with everything!

We spend the whole day shuffling round the shops ticking things off my list. Alice buys me a few outfits that I’m not sure about but she promises they’ll look good. I trust her though, she knows her stuff when it comes to what’s on trend! We meet up with Hollie and Josh for lunch, they’ve been seeing each other for the past few weeks and according to her, things are great. We eat our subway and Josh leaves to go to work, so Hollie joins us on our shopping trip. I think she enjoys Alice being here as well because she ends up buying loads of new stuff too. When we are done Alice’s car boot is full of shopping bags that spill over onto the back seat. We drop Hollie off at her house before going home. 

We stumble into the house holding at least eight bags each.

“Oh lord how much have you spent!?” My dad comments, laughing at us as we trip over our own feet.

“Trust me, Bex needs it her wardrobe is boring” Alice says and I give her a warning look. “was boring” she corrects. We walk into our lounge and drop all the bags on the floor.

“Ooooh give us a look then” mom says, she’s sitting with her legs tucked underneath her on the sofa with a cup of tea in her hands. She puts the tea down and leans forward peeking into the bags. Alice and I both sit cross legged on the floor and begin to go through the bags of clothes. With Alice explaining how I’ll wear each one.

“You’ll have to write all of this down for me Al, I’m not going to remember” I laugh and she just nods before continuing with her spoken essay. 

After we’ve gone through all of the clothes Lucas walks in and starts to complain about the ‘mess’ we’ve made. 

“Seriously though, I’m bringing Soph in here in a bit and I can’t be doing with all this shit on the floor” he says, pointing to the piles of clothes and bags everywhere. 

“Who says you can have Sophie in here?” mom asks “as far as I’m concerned this is a family room” she half smiles.

“Well I’ll just take her into my room then” he remarks

“Right you can have this room, we’ll go and watch a film upstairs” Alice says before my mom can comment on them two doing the horizontal mambo in her house. The three of us get up, grab as much as we can and walk up to my room, where we drop everything and get into my bed. I grab the remote and flick the telly on to find its four minutes into Marley and Me. 

By the end of the film the three of us are a sobbing mess sharing my floral tissue box. 

My mom and Alice then leave and I get back into my comfy pyjamas and fall asleep.

I spend the next day packing with Alice, my two purple suitcases lying open on my bed. Alice hands me clothes that go together and I fold them neatly and put them in piles of outfits in the suitcases. We tick things of my list, making sure I have a lot of black tops and black jeans for the two weeks I’ll be spending at the XFactor boot camp! 

“I’m so excited” I say as I put a pile of bras into the corner of one case.

“I bet you are!” Alice says “I would be ecstatic right now if I were going” 

“I’m going to be meeting to contestants and seeing them perform too” I say, I can’t get over the fact that I will see the winner of the Xfactor 2010 perform right in front of me and none of us know it yet.

“Bex you have to try and get yourself on telly, just casually walk past as many cameras as you can” she laughs

“Yeah!” I giggle. Before I know it its half eleven and I’m packed and ready for tomorrow. I set my alarm for 6:30 and climb into bed.

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