Chapter 45

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Harry’s POV:

I swear no matter how hard I try, Cher will not leave me alone. I’ve told Becky that if she sees anything else about us two its all bullshit because she won’t stop. 

“Cher, please just stop,” I practically beg, she‘s leaning her head on my knee and its pissing me off. We’ve just had an interview all together for TalkTalk and she’s sitting on the floor by my legs.

“Stop what?” she innocently smiles up at me. I hate how everyone sees her as a sweet young girl when all she is is a manipulative lying bitch. I hope she leaves the competition soon because I can’t stand her. 

“Just-” I give up and leave the room with the rest of the boys. 

“She’s annoying me too, why can’t she just leave you alone?” Zayn shrugs as we walk out to the cars to go to the studio. 

“I know right, she’s literally obsessed.”

We climb into the black mini van and drive to fountain studios for our final rehearsal before the show tomorrow. Driving past all of the fans on the way there is crazy, I never thought we’d get this much support. We were worried that no one would like us and here we are, in the semi-final with: Rebecca Ferguson, Mary Byrne, Matt Cardle and Cher Lloyd. 

“Mate this weekend is gonna be sick, these songs are the best,” Liam says.

“Yes Liam, we know,” Louis snaps. They’ve been getting annoyed at each other lately. I think its just because they have completely different perspectives of everything, Louis loves to mess around and have a laugh whereas Liam just wants to get on with the work we’ve got to do, he’s a lot more serious. 

“Lads, I don’t want to wear any purple this week,” Niall laughs. He’s always laughing and that’s what I love about him, he’s always happy. 

“I agree, I think we should just stick to grey, white and black if we can,” Liam agrees. 

I like how we get to choose a lot of things ourselves, Simon said he’d rather us do our own thing instead of him trying to mould us into what he thinks is cool because we’re young and ‘with it’. 

I don’t really mind what we wear, I’m just extremely happy that we get free clothes out of all of this. 

We leave the car once we’re inside the gates of the studio and Tara tells us there’s fans waiting at the railings with posters and stuff. So we all make our way over there.

There’s loads of girls all standing against the railings and they all go crazy when we walk around the corner. They’re all standing holding notes and posters for us so we go over to them and start talking to them.

“Hello!” I say to one girl, she’s almost in tears, “Are you okay?”

“Harry!” she screams back at me, “Harry I love you!”

What am I supposed to say to that? She obviously doesn’t love me, she barely knows me so I just reply with a simple, “You too!” before taking a picture with her, signing her book and moving along to the next girl. 

“Harry oh my God, I love your voice so much will you be my boyfriend?” woah there, what a question. 

“Hey Becky better watch out,” Niall calls over to me. 

“Becky?” the girl asks, “Is she your girlfriend?” 

“Urm,” I stutter, “I, can I sign your poster?” I ask trying to change the subject. 

“Yes!” the distraction seemed to work until my phone starts ringing with that annoying ring tone it automatically uses.

I pull it out of my pocket and read Becky’s name, I really want to answer it but I can’t talk to her in peace with everyone here. 

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