Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to C-Dawg

All of the contestants begin to walk off stage, some excited about dancing and others look mortified, especially some of the older ones. I don’t blame them, I’d hate I dance on TV I have no doubt that I would fall over or something. 

“Tell them to get their water Bex, I’ll see you in a bit” she says and walks off. I need to shout super loud to get their attention…

“If everyone would like a bottle of water come and tell me your name and I’ll find yours” I shout, a few people turn around but almost all of them ignore me. Harry and Louis walk over and I find their bottles from the table and tell them to shove it. More and more people begin to surround me as they notice me. A lot of people are shouting their names at once to me, I can’t cope with this many people. “One at a time please” I try to say but no one listens. I am glad when Nathan joins me.

“Could everyone please get in a straight line for their water” he shouts, his voice really loud and commanding. Everyone listens and they get into an oddly shaped line, with groups of people in huddles. “After this you all need to go back into the room to the left for further instructions”

“Thank you” I say to him, passing a woman called Elesha Moses her water bottle. I’m finding it easy to pick out their names because I know where I put everyone, Nathan on the other hand is struggling a bit. “They’re in alphabetical order starting with first names beginning with ‘A’ down here” I tell him, pointing along the first column. He nods and we continue giving out the bottles until there are only a few left, “I guess these people aren’t thirsty” I joke.

“Well, they will be once they’re done with the dance class” he says.

“When is it?” I ask.

“In a bit, its in a dance hall down the road, we’re doing them in their categories, starting with the boys in a bit” he says “We’d better go and get them all ready” 

The contestants are staying in a hotel not far from the arena, they will stay there throughout the four days of boot camp. We walk into the room to find Tara explaining how the dance rounds will work. When she is done she scurries over to us.

“Nathan can you check the coach is ready?” she asks, Nathan nods and walks away. “How was the giving out of the bottles?” she asks.

“Stressful, there were so many people” I say leaning against the wall.

“I know right, I had to do that last year.” she tells me “So have you talked to Harry again?” 

“No not since I gave him his bottle” I say, looking round the room to see him and Louis sitting laughing at something on Louis’ phone. 

“Well you need to get in there again!” she says, meaning that I need to get him to ask me out again. Somehow I don’t think that’s gonna happen.

“Well sorry but its not my fault I can’t talk to him in a flirty way or whatever” I sigh.

“Right, I’ll send you with Nathan to the boys’ dance workshop, you can try and make a move there. Just stand and talk to him, maybe give him a few dancing tips, they’re going to have to do a massive freestyle bit” she tells me.

“As if I know how to dance like a boy”

“Well you’re the professional, you know more than everyone else” she shrugs.

“Tara, I like to dance, I’m not a professional” I laugh, as if she thinks I’m that good.

“I’ve seen you dance, you’re spectacular” what? When has she ever seen me dance?

“When did you see that?” I ask.

“Hon, your dad films everything. I’ve seen pretty much every one of your shows and performances” she places her hand on my shoulder, “Even that one where you fell over during the ballet” I put my head in my hands.

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