Chapter 54

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  • Dedicated to The Birthday Girl :) <3

“Where the hell have you been? I was looking forward to this so much and you just didn’t show up,” the anger is evident in his voice and eyes, his nose is flared and his eyebrows are knitted together. 

“I,-Sam needed me-”he cuts me off:

“You were with Sam?” he angrily says, shaking his hair.

“Yes but I-”

“Harry come on!” Liam shouts, they’re all leaving to meet some fans.

“Harry, I wasn’t- I didn’t mean- he was- I didn’t want to upset you,” I stutter.

“Just leave it Becky, see you later,” he shakes his head again and slumps off without giving me chance to explain myself.

Why wouldn’t he listen to me? I would have just told him what happened and he should have said it was okay but he didn’t give me chance. Why would he think that I’d blow him off for Sam unless it was serious? Does he really think that little of me… 

Nathan walks up to me and asks me if I’m alright. “Yeah, I just-I don’t know, Harry is annoyed at me because I missed the gig to see my friend who’s just been taken into hospital, is what I did really that bad?” I ask.

“Well, did you tell him where you were going?” Nathan asks, talking loudly over the screaming fans.

“No, I probably should have texted him,” I admit.

“That’s probably why he’s pissed off with you,” he says, “Sorry, I hope you fix it,” he says before he walks off to talk to Tara. 

“Becky!” Hollie says as she runs up to me with Lee.

“Charlotte’s dead,” I tell them.

“What?” both of their faces drop.

“Yeah, she was in the chemistry lab,” I say, the distractions around me prevent the tears from rolling down my face. 

“I’m sorry,” Lee takes me into a hug, I stay there for a couple of seconds before I push him away to stop myself from crying. 

“I can’t believe it,” Hollie says as she stares at the ground ahead of her. 

“Have you seen Harry?” Lee asks when he notices my lip quivering. 

“Yeah, he’s really angry with me because I went to the hospital, but I didn’t get to tell him about it before he had to go,” I tell them.

“Can’t you explain it to him?” Hollie says.

“I would but I don’t know where he is,” I say, looking around the crowded space, the backstage has merged with the crowd and there’s fans everywhere asking everyone where the boys are. 

“Call him,” Lee says. I do as he says and get my phone out, ringing Harry straight away. 

“What?” he answers the phone with. Rude. 

“Can I talk to you?” I ask, a little annoyed at his tone. 

“Not really, we’re going for a meal, I was going to ask you to come but you’re obviously too busy with Sam,” he says.

“I’m not, Sam was in college today and-”

“Just leave it Becky, I don’t care,” he says. I’m lost for words and I can feel the tears filling my eyes again, I can’t bring myself to say anything else. The line stays silent for a few seconds before he hangs up. 

“What did he say?” Hollie asks.

“He was just, he thinks I’m to busy with Sam so he’s being all angry,” I blubber.

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