Chapter 29

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The party is alright, I’ve been sitting with Harry and Hollie the whole time in the living room at Lee’s friend’s house. I think the guy’s name is Logan but I’m not sure, I still thanked him for letting us come. Lee’s been mingling with people because they all went to primary school together and they’re all catching up or something but us three on the sofa are kind of outcasts.

“Would you two stop snogging” Hollie complains, Harry and I break apart. We have been kissing a lot tonight but that’s just because once again I don’t know when I’ll see him next. 

“Sorry” I say.

“Just makes me want a boyfriend I can do that to” she frowns

“You’ll find someone! Like I said it doesn’t have to be now, it might be after college, maybe even after uni if you still want to go?” I say.

“Yeah definitely, I think I want to go for the Queen Mary in London, I know their dance program is amazing” she says. Hollie has always been dance driven, lets just say she’s not overly academic and dance is her talent. Her ballet and tap are absolutely stunning. She’s taken dance all throughout school and now college unlike me who’s kept dance as a hobby. 

“You should, I definitely think you’ll get in” I tell her. 

“I don’t know it’s like the best dance uni in the country, and like 11th in the world or something stupid” she waves her hands round.

“You’re the best dancer I know, there’s no way you wouldn’t get in” I say.

“Where do you want to go?” she asks me.

“I have no idea, I only vaguely know what I want to be and I havent even thought about my subjects for next year, I don’t really want to drop any so I’m going to ask my college if I can stay with my four” I tell her.

“You’ll figure it out in the end, and if you don’t just do what you love and if it goes wrong you can just go back and do things differently” she says. She’s right, my auntie is 39 and she’s still taking classes at uni. 

An outbreak of shouting comes from the kitchen, Hollie tenses next to me and Harry’s head snaps round to where the noise is coming from. Everyone else in the room is still chatting to each other over the loud music or awkwardly standing bopping to the heavy bass. 

“What was that?” I ask. Harry turns to answer me but before he can reply everyone shuffles away from the door and the people who are arguing walk in.

“Where the fuck is he?” one of the guys shout. 

“Who?” Logan asks him.

“Reid, where is he?” he looks him straight in the eye. Something about his angry tone makes me want to know where Reid is so this guy will go away, he’s kind of scary with thick black hair and stern eyes. 

“Harry” I whisper, the whole room has gone silent and someone cut the music too. He doest reply, he just pulls his hands over mine and shuffles closer to me.

“Seriously where is he?” the guy demands. 

Everyone stays silent, people are slowly edging away from the boy at the door. They’re probably all scared, I know I am. 

“Well if no one will tell me I’ll have to find him myself” the guy grunts before making his way up tout of the room and up the stairs of Logan’s house. 

“I think we should go” Harry says to Hollie and me. I pull my phone out to text my mom but I’m stopped by Lee.

“Come on we’re going” he says, pulling mine and Hollie’s hands and gesturing for Harry to get up.

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