Chapter 51

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“Your apartment?” I ask as Tara pulls into the car park and takes the spot right next to the elevator.

“Don’t sound so disappointed,” Tara says as she gets out of her car.

“Not disappointed, just confused,” I join her by the elevator and she presses the ‘up’ button.

“Just wait,” she half laughs. Once we’ve stepped inside, Tara turns me round to face the closed doors where a little note is stuck on with sellotape:

‘Hi! Don’t worry Tara isn’t kidnapping you, I have a surprise… H x’

“What is this supposed to mean?” I ask, pulling the note off the door just before it opens. I immediately want to know what surprise Harry has in store for me. The paper is ripped out of a notebook and he’s doodled tiny hearts round the edge of the page. 

“You’ll see,” Tara smiles. We step out of the elevator and begin to head down the hall. 

“Is this butter?” I ask, examining the corner of the page where there’s a greasy fingerprint. 

“Maybe,” she grins, “I think you know the way, you don’t need me,” Tara stops walking.

“Um, okay yeah.”

“Condoms are in the draw by the bed, as you know,” Tara winks before giving me a quick hug and walking back. I feel my face go bright red at the thought of her knowing what we did, and expecting us to do it again. But she seemed quite cool about it, that calms me a bit. 

I pull my hands away from my blushing cheeks and continue walking down the hallway. I picture Harry naked when I open the door, or something completely crazy. I hope it isn’t something like that, I think I’d be too embarrassed to cope with it. Maybe he’s picked a movie and made popcorn, I’d be surprised if he knew how to work a microwave to be honest. 

Harry’s POV:

I read the text from Tara saying Becky is two minutes down the hall, I have to do one final check of the table before I answer the door. Should I wait at the door or leave her waiting for a few seconds to make it seem like I’m not impatient. 

I walk over to the table and straighten the knives and forks one more time. Shit I forgot the candle. 

As I walk into the kitchen to fetch the red, heart-shaped candle I brought earlier with Lou the doorbell rings and I panic. I need to get this candle on before she walks in. 

I grab the candle and the lighter and run back to the table, I set it down as the doorbell rings again. I should answer the door and do the candle after but I want it to look perfect for when she walks in.

“Hello?” I hear her small voice call as I lean over the table to light the candle. I look to my left and she’s standing half through the door holding the note I stuck in the elevator in her hand. At least some randomer didn’t find it. 

“Uhm, hi,” I drop the lighter into my pocket, check the candle isn’t setting the table on fire and then walk over to her. I had no time to prepare what I was going to say. 

“What’s this?” she looks round shyly, her cheeks are blushing slightly, making her blue eyes look brighter. She’s so beautiful it takes my breath away, every small movement of her eyes as they search my face makes me fall deeper into them. 

“I, I erm cooked dinner,” I stutter, realising that she’s asking me what’s going on and I’m just staring back at her. 

“You cooked?” she sounds dumbfounded. 

“I told you it was a surprise,” I flick the note in her hand.

“Wow,” she quietly says, looking at the table I set out. I gently wrap my arm around her shoulders to guide her into the seat, I then take the red napkin and put it on her lap after tucking her chair in behind her as if I’m a waiter at a fancy restaurant. She laughs a little and thanks me so I playfully pull her hair as I turn round to fetch her a fanta. 

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