If We Could Only Turn Back Time

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"Becky can I talk to you?” my mom asked the next morning as she poked her head round the door to my bedroom. 

“Yeah” I said, rolling over to face her. It was a good job Harry hadn’t crept in last night. She walked over and sat on the side of my bed. The sun shining through the thin curtains lit up the room so I could see her straight face.

“Babe…” She said, holding my warm fingers in her cold hands. “I’ve been talking to Anne and we’ve decided that next year we can’t come on holiday” my face dropped “We really would love to but Lucas has got his college exams and Gemma and Alice have their GCSEs and you and Harry will be choosing options so we just think its for the best that we stay focused on that” she said smiling sympathetically. 

“What?” I asked. “Isn’t the whole point of a holiday to get away from all that stuff?” 

“Yes but when everyone has got a lot going on that’s really important we need to make sure that they come first” 

“um… okay so I’m not going to be able to see Harry again?” I asked, forcing back my anger, or was it tears?

“Bex, we are so sorry but that’s how it is” she said, squeezing my thumb. I already knew that I wasn’t going to be able to see Harry for a few months and I was okay with that but no holidays for a whole year? 

“I guess that will be it then, I’ll never be able to see him again.” I said anger building in my stomach “because after this year, Alice and Gemma will be doing their college stuff and Lucas will be doing University stuff. Then the year after that Harry and I will be doing GCSEs” I added, showing how annoyed I was.

“Maybe, but Becky we need you to understand that we’re not doing this because we don’t want you to see each other its just that we have to make sure your education comes first” she smiled.

“Mhmm” I said rolling back over to face the wall, I didn’t want to talk to her anymore. I cried for a bit then. I only one and a half days left then it was goodbye.

After a while I got dressed and went down stairs, in the kitchen Anne and my mom were sitting talking at the breakfast bar. As soon as I walked in they shut up, obviously talking about me. 

“Morning babe!” Anne said giving me a massive smile.

“Morning” I gave her a small grin.

“Right so we have pancakes, waffles and bacon, what do you want?” she asked getting up off  the stool and walking over to the fridge.

“I’m okay thanks I’m not hungry” I said walking through to the lounge to find a moody Harry.

“I guess they told you too then” I said falling onto the seat next to him, he put his arm around my shoulder and nodded

“Yeah. I mean, I get what they’re saying but I don’t see why we can’t just drive to yours on a weekend or something” he shrugged

“I know its not fair” we stayed silent for a few minutes just thinking. Thinking about saying goodbye the next day. 

“Lets go for a walk” he said, standing up. 

“Why?” I groaned “Its cold and I’m really tired” I whined.

“Come on we can’t waste today, tomorrow we’ll be packing and then we go the next morning.” he said holding out his hand towards me. He was right, it was our last full day.

We walked back through the kitchen hand in hand and headed towards the front door.

“Where you off to?” Anne asked, I spun round on my heel and checked the clock, it was half past eleven.

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