Grunting Noises and Goodbye

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  • Dedicated to Jemma!

I woke up alone in Harry’s bed. I rubbed my eyes before rolling over to see Harry bending down over his suitcase, shoving random items of clothing messily into the blue case. 

“Morning.” I said before yawning and shutting my eyes again. 

“Can you help me?” he asked, I looked over to him trying to shut the lid with clothes spilling out of the sides. 

“Oh Harry” I half laughed as I pulled myself out of bed and walked over to him. “Did you not fold anything?” I asked, gesturing down to the case.

“I folded the first few things then I got frustrated because it wasn’t neat enough so I gave up” he explained, him with his minimal patience. I pushed the lid open and began taking things out, folding them and putting them back in. I left all the boxers to Harry. After at least an hour of sorting, folding and packing, Harry’s suitcase was packed and ready to go. 

“Will you help me with mine now?” I asked, by help I ‘meant sit and watch me do it because you’ll mess it up’. He nodded and followed me back into my room. I pulled my two suitcases out of the bottom of the wardrobe where they’d been stashed for the past four weeks. “Four weeks” I said “four whole weeks we’ve been here” I put the suitcases in the middle of the room and opened the lids.

“I know, it feels like two minutes” Harry said. It really did and only on the last couple of days had Harry and I been ‘going out’. I went over to the wardrobe and grabbed a load of hangers between my arms and dropped them on the bed. “You Don’t actually want me to help do you?” Harry practically begged. 

“No” I laughed “You’d just do it wrong”. I began folding all of my clothes and placing them neatly into the purple cases. Our mothers had washed all of our worn clothes before we began packing so they didn’t have a mountain of washing to do when they got back. Harry sat on my bed on my iPod while I packed, he was flicking through my photo album, which contained a ridiculous amount of stupid selfies and funny pictures of my friends and me. 

“Oh my god Bex that’s hilarious” he laughed holding out the iPod to show me a picture of Hollie and me after we’d done the blindfolded makeup challenge, Hollie had drawn a penis on my forehead with eyeliner and gave me purple Joker-style lips. I laughed and continued packing, he went back to flicking through my album. If only the cabin had had wifi then I could have talked to Hollie on MSN or something, I did miss her to be honest. 

Once one case was done, Harry and I went downstairs to eat some lunch, we had ham sandwiches and about three bags of crisps each, we were told by my dad that they’d just be thrown away if no one ate them. 

“Before you two disappear upstairs again, can I just make sure that you are both clear with what we’ve decided?” Anne said, sitting down in front of us at the kitchen table. Harry groaned. “I know you aren’t very happy Harry but it is for the best, we’ll try and sort something out with each other so you can spend some time together somehow” she said. This made me feel a little bit better, at least they said they’d try. Harry clearly wasn’t buying it.

“Mum, we get it” he said and he stood up and walked away from the table leaving Anne and me alone.

“You understand don’t you Becky?” she asked

“Yeah, everyone needs to focus on their exams, its fine” I nodded before leaving the room to go upstairs with Harry.

“Why are parents so stupid!” Harry shouted when I walked into my room.

“I know…”

“No, its not fair we shouldn’t have to put up with this why can’t we see each other” he said, tugging at his curls.

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