Chapter 13

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“We’d better go then” Tara says checking her phone, we’ve been sitting at the kitchen table chatting about stuff for the past three hours.

“Oh yeah” we get up and take the two suitcases I packed down to the car. 

“You sure that’s everything?” Tara says as we sit down.

“Yeah it is, thank you for letting me stay with you and getting me the work experience, I know I probably wasn’t much help but thank you so much” I say, she starts the engine.

“Babe, its been a pleasure having you here! I get a little bit lonely when I’m in the apartment by myself so it was great to have you girley to talk to” she smiles. We leave the car park and head to the train station. “And to be honest your help was great” 

“Have you ever thought about like, getting a boyfriend?” 

“Not really, I’m so busy with work and everything that I don’t really have the time” she says, both of her hands are on the steering wheel.

“You can always make time” I suggest, hoping that this will apply to Harry and I. If we can’t find time for each other, between college and the Xfactor then it won’t work.

“Maybe” she sighs, she flicks the CD on and we both sing along to McFly. 

I sit with Tara on the platform and wait for the train, she’s on the phone so I just sit here silently. 

“Yes okay, I can yeah one minute” she says, gesturing to me that she’ll be back in a bit, she sticks her finger in her other ear and walks to a quieter part of the station.

Harry hasn’t texted me since last night, he said he’d got home and everything then said goodnight. I get my phone out and send him a text saying ‘Just waiting for the train home, I don’t really want to leave xx’ within a few seconds he replies with ‘I know the feeling well I miss you already L’ awh, I tell him I miss him to and turn my phone off, I’ll need the battery for the three hour train journey. 

“Urgh stupid essays” Tara sighs as she sits back down next to me.

“I know right” I say, god knows how many essays I’ve written in my time. The train pulls up and I say my goodbyes and thank yous to Tara, she gives me a hug and says I’m welcome any time before I get on the train and try to find a seat.

Its pretty busy but I see an empty seat opposite a middle aged woman in a suit. I gesture to her, sort of asking if I could sit there and she nods. I sit down and put my suitcases by the window next to me, they aren’t that big but they’re still annoying. I get my earphones out and put my Ipod on shuffle. 

Listening to all of the songs has made me realise that I haven’t written any songs in a while. I like to write songs when I’m happy, or extremely sad, or just bored. I never share any of my songs with anyone, apart from a few about how smelly my brother is that I wrote when I was like eight. I listen to a few more songs before I feel like I want to write one. I get my notepad out of my handbag and rummage around for a pen. I flick through the pages full of lyrics and ideas until I find an empty one. All I can think of is how happy I am with Harry compared to how I am alone and even the fact that he likes me back makes me feel so content. I write a few lines down, then cross them out or reorder them. 

You just make me smile

I haven’t felt this way for a while

You just make me smile, I like you a lot

And I like to think that you like me, 

Slightly, that’s enough.

I write more and more until I have the lyrics to a whole song, it isn’t that bad I suppose. I’ll have to sit down at my piano or with my guitar when I get back and write the rest. I might even record it, I’ve done that a few times in my dad’s studio. He owns a company that makes radio adverts so we’ve got a whole recording studio in our basement. I love it in there, it just feels calmer than the rest of the house, it has mint coloured walls and black carpet. 

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