Chapter 22

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  • Dedicated to My Chummy

“Hey, come in quick its cold” Hollie says, I wave back to my mom and she drives off before we walk in Hollie’s house. “Have you got everything?” 

“Yeah I think so” Harry says.

“Right, we’ll leave in a bit I just need to straighten my hair, come on up” she says before running up the stairs. Harry gestures for me to go first so I follow her up. Harry slaps my bum half way up the stairs and I miss a step, almost falling up the stairs and smacking my face. Harry catches my hips and laughs at me. 

“Shut up” I say, before he can laugh at me. He shakes his head and we go into Hollie’s room.

“it’s a bit black in here” Harry says, Hollie’s walls are all black apart from one red one behind her bed, it’s a small room that I’ve grown to love. I never used to like the colours in here but now I’m older, they’re cool. 

“Black is an easy colour to work with” Hollie says, sitting on her stool and picking up her straighteners. “Any colour will go with black” 

“I see” Harry says, I sit down on her bed and he copies me. 

“She changes the colour of that wall every year” I comment, twisting to face the red one. 

“That’s a good idea actually” Harry smiles. 

“Yeah I think I’m going to have it electric blue next year, what do you think?”

“Yeah that will be nice, I really want you to get blue highlights in your hair” I say, Hollie looks at the piece of hair she’s straightening.

“I don’t know, maybe lowlights?” she straightens the strand and moves on.

“That would look pretty cool” I say, I’m too scared to dye my hair. Hollie’s is bright red at the moment and it really suites her, she’s always saying that she’s tired of it and having to keep dying it every so often but I like it. 

“Right okay done” she says, getting up and flicking her hair over her shoulders “What time is this Liam guy getting there?” 

“About eight, we’ll meet him just outside the thing” Harry says. 

“We should get there before him so he’s not on his own” I say, I’d hate to be standing on my own waiting for my friends with a load of other teenagers around me. 

“Yep I think we should go now, we can stop at maccies or something” Hollie suggests.

“I am pretty hungry” Harry says. 

“Hey Liam mate how are you?” Harry says as Liam approaches us, they man hug each other before Harry turns to us girls. “So this is Hollie and you know Becky” 

“Nice to meet you Hollie” Liam smiles “Alright Becky?”

“You too” Hollie replies grinning at me.

“Erh yeah thanks you?” I say.

“Yeah I’m good, so what’s all this about?”  Liam says, waving his hand over to the entrance where people are going in, they must have started letting people in early. 

“So its like a roller disco, there’s a rink thing that’s like a massive circle and they play music and stuff, its really fun” Hollie smiles, stepping closer to Liam.

“I see” Liam nods, looking over to the entrance. 

“Shall we go in then?” Harry says, we all say yes and we walk over to the doors. We give our money to the man and he gives us a wrist band. We then have to fetch the roller skates from the desk on the left, I hand my shoes in and ask for a size three. I have tiny feet. 

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