Chapter 7

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I was right, it was quite funny to see Harry trying to remember all the dance moves, but extremely adorable at the same time because he had his concentrating face on. The way he narrows his eyes on his feet as he is trying to remember the steps, the way he gets frustrated and shakes his arms before trying again. Every so often he would look over to me and I’d give him a big thumbs up. I don’t think Zayn did that much, he kind of stood there watching everyone else, occasionally running through the dance very timidly.

Harry helps me up again as we get back on the coach and sit down. I really want to know what he was going to say before the guy interrupted him but I can’t just ask. 

“Well that was not fun” he says as he passes the polos round again.

“I know right, it was torture I hope I never have to dance again” Niall says, I now know that he is Irish, its an Irish accent. 

“You’re kind of supposed to be dancing tomorrow for the judges” I tell him as we drive off, away from the dance studio.

“Oh don’t remind me” Louis says, shaking his head. Niall chuckles. Harry and I turn round and share some earphones, we put my phone on shuffle and listen to two songs for the five minute journey back. He doesn’t hold my hand again. Is it because I was talking to Liam? Did I make things awkward by sitting by Liam and Zayn instead of with them? I don’t know.

When we get back to the arena we all go and sit back in the big room where everyone else is waiting. Tara tells the boys to sit on one side of the room and they all walk off.

“So, how did it go?” Tara asks, wiggling her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me. 

“It was fine, he held my hand the whole way there and we were talking and he said he missed me and he missed how we were, like I think he means before, when we were together you know?” I say, sounding like an excited child that has just returned from their first time at the zoo. 

“Wow okay so he definitely likes you then?” she says.

“Well I don’t know because I was talking to Liam and Zayn for a bit and I sat with them and Harry kept watching them even after I’d moved and I think I might have like, ruined it a bit” I admit. 

“Becky, don’t worry about it. I reckon he fancies the pants off you. Literally I hope” she laughs.

“Ew no.” I say pulling a disgusted face.

“What?” she cries “Bex, you’re 16, its legal!” 

“And? How do you know I’ve not done it before?” I protest.

“Erm because you’re the most nunniest nun in the nunnery babe” she laughs, I laugh with her. Its true I’ve never even properly kissed anyone but Harry, even then they weren’t the sort of saucy French kisses you see in the movies, just weird little movements and stuff. 

“Yeah I suppose” I grin.

“Would you let him if it came to it?” I don’t know, would I? I’d have to see how I feel in the moment, I’ve never experienced anything like that apart from when I walked in on Lucas and this girl, that was terrifying. 

“I don’t know, probably not. I don’t think he’d want to anyway” I say, I don’t see how anyone would want me in that way. I’m not like, sexy enough. 

“Yes he would Becky, you’re stunning” she says I blush and tell her to shut up. I’m really not. 

Tara goes with the girls category to the dance studio and leaves me with £30 to buy me lunch, it’s a bit too much but I’ll just give it back. At lunch the acts are told they can either go to the hotel or go out for lunch. The girls still aren’t back yet. 

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