Chapter 30

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i'm just going to warn you I could barely write this without laughing or cringing, I have no knowledge about anything that happens in this chapter so i'm sorry if everythings wrong or something :-s


“Morning sweetpea” I smile as I watch Harry’s eyes flutter open. 

“Hey” he mutters. His morning voice is the sexiest thing ever I swear. 

“Your mom is in the kitchen” I tell him, its already seven and he’s leaving at nine. 

“I don’t want to go” he groans and shoves his head into my lap, I’m sitting up next to him so I stroke his hair. 

“I don’t want you to go either” I tell him “But I want you to” I emphasise both ‘want’s in two different ways so I don’t sound crazy. 

“Can’t I just stay here and go tomorrow” he mumbles.

“But the boys are all going today too and Louis has to leave his girlfriend” I say. 

“I don’t want to leave mine” he whispers, as if he was saying it to himself. 

He nudges his head round so the side of his face is facing upwards. My fingers do a dot to dot with the few small moles along his neck and face. His jaw is so defined yet he has such a cute face, I drag my inde finger along his jaw until I reach his chin. I can’t wait ‘til he’s older and has a slight stubble, that’s super sexy. His hair is s fuzzy ball on top of his head, I tuck a bit of it behind his ear and he reaches up to shuffle it back to normal. 

“It looks gay behind my ears” he smiles. I laugh at him, his smile is so charming. 

“Your ears are so small” I smile at him “They’re really round too” I pull his hair over to have another look. 

“I hate my ears” he protests, covering it with his hand.

“I hate my ears too” I say.

“Your ears are fine” he says, I return his hair back over his ear and he rolls over so he is looking straight up at me with his head in my crossed legs. 

“They’re not, one sticks out more than the other” I tell him.

“I haven’t noticed that” he says.

“You will now I’ve told you” I smile “It was the first thing that my nan said when I got home from the hospital when I was born ‘one of her ears sticks out’” I say, trying to sound like my nan, she’s so sweet its adorable. 

“I’ll have to have a look” he laughs. I lean down and peck his lips, its an awkward position to kiss at, its basically upside down but it works. My chin fits between his top lip and nose perfectly. 

“I like sitting like this” I say.

“Me too, the inside of your nose is b e a utiful” he spells it out as if he’s Bruce almighty. 

“No bats in the cave I hope” I laugh, I sniffle just to make sure. 

“Yeah there is” he says, my face goes bright red and he pokes his finger straight up my nose as if he was picking it.

“Harry don’t!” I laugh.

“I was joking, there’s nothing there” 

“You look funny upside down” I tell him. 

“That’s funny cause you look stunning” he smiles.

“I was joking, you’re hot from every angle” 

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