401 29 10

JULY 1ST 2016

tyler joseph created a group-chat at 11:03am.
tyler joseph added josh dun and ryan ross.
tyler joseph changed his name to tbslut.

tbslut: do you guys wanna get taco bell for lunch

josh dun: fuck yes

ryan ross: can i bring brendon?

tbslut: well i asked him but he said he was hungover?

ryan ross: he never told me he was going to a party

josh dun: dallon had one last night

ryan ross: oh

ryan ross: i think i'm going to pass for today

ryan ross: sorry ty

ryan ross left the group-chat.

tbslut: dallon weekes?

josh dun: i don't know him that well

tbslut: me neither

tbslut: surely if he's ryro's best friend then ryan would know about the party

josh dun: i didn't even know brendon knew dallon

tbslut: maybe he's a mutual friend through ryan

josh dun: should we talk to beebo

josh dun: he doesn't get drunk much something must be up

tbslut: i think ryan's doing that

tbslut: so meet me for tb at 12?

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now