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tyler joseph created a group-chat at 06:55pm.
tyler joseph added brendon urie, jess dun and ryan ross.
tyler joseph changed his name to spookyty.

spookyty: the 4 of us are doing something for halloween

ryan ross: stage 4 fear of trying

spookyty: what

spookyty: anyway since we've all been associated since the first ever halloween 2000 odd years ago

spookyty: it's tradition for us to scare the shit out of dallon and jenna... and maybe pete

jess dun: knew i should've copyrighted my spookyjim username

brendon urie changed his name to spookurie.

spookurie: get with the spook

ryan ross changed his name to spookyross.

jess dun: fuck yourselves

spookyross: i bet if i was high enough jess would look like jesus

spookurie: you don't have to be high to see that

spookyty: what does that make me

spookurie: a cunt

spookyross: i was thinking more like the virgin mary

spookyty: i am anything but a virgin you dicks

spookyty: anyway!

spookyty: i was thinking when dallon goes out on halloween we should hide in his house wearing masks

spookyross: what if he doesn't go out

spookurie: who doesn't go out on halloween? tf

spookyross: me tbh

spookyty: when he least expects it we'll jump out

jess dun: babe no offence but that idea can suck my ass

spookurie: can we just throw eggs at pete's house

jess dun: is that even a question

spookyross: guys we can do both those ideas we can egg pete in the morning then go to dallon's

spookurie: what about jenna?

jess dun: i'd feel bad pranking her she's too nice

spookyty: okay she's off the hook

spookyty: we should get the masks online

spookyty: i call dibs on shia labeouf

spookyross: oBAMA

spookurie: oSAMA

spookyross: no

spookurie: okay

spookurie: nicholas cage it is

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