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jess dun created a group-chat at 10:05am.
jess dun added dallon weekes, jenna black, pete wentz, ryan ross and tyler joseph.

jess dun: i'm fucking tired of waiting around for something to happen when we all not it's not going to

jess dun: we're going out today all of us or we'll fucking rot

tyler joseph: the funeral is tomorrow

tyler joseph: we'll go out to that...

jenna black: no she's right

jenna black: we need to do something together we haven't met in over a week

pete wentz: agreed

tyler joseph: dallon? ryan?

jenna black: i doubt they'll want to

jess dun: too fucking bad it needs to be done i'll drag them from their beds if i have to

pete wentz: remember who you're dealing with jess

pete wentz: brendon meant something different to them

jenna black: idk if ryan and dal are even on good terms atm

tyler joseph: i don't think this is a good idea

tyler joseph: maybe we should leave them

jess dun: they're seeing these messages they're just choosing not to reply

jess dun: please? guys

jenna black: fuck this

jenna black: we go to their houses or we don't go at all

pete wentz: i'll get ryan

tyler joseph: jess and i will get dallon i suppose

jenna black: meet me at mine in 30m

jenna black: drive safe...

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now