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jess dun created a private-chat at 10:39pm.
jess dun added jenna black.
jess dun changed her name to jess.

jess: that was the best night of my life... dinner under the stars and trees and the blanket around us and the wine and you and uGH just everything... every day i literally question myself how i ended up with you bc everything about us together in my opinion is perfect and that might not mean a lot considering we're just two people in a small town on a small planet and there are so many others who feel the same way but...

jess: as tacky as it is when i think about it i think about this world bending and snapping around us like an elastic fucking band until it's only you and i tightly knit together alongside the moon and you looking down when you smile and the way your fingers feel woven in mine and i thank whatever fucking god is up there that i get to experience that in my life

jess: and i hope you know that i can't imagine being without you at this point and i just really fucking love you tyler for everything you've done for me and every moment you've supported and been there for me and for loving me too so... thank you :)

jess: ty?

jenna black: you sent that to the wrong person

jess: shit jen i'm sorry

jenna black: he really makes you that happy?

jess: he's the greatest thing that ever happened to me jenna

jenna black: you look at him like he made the world

jess: i look at him and he is my world

jenna black: it's a good world then

jess: it's the best world but

jess: don't forget that you're here too and said world is for everyone

jess: ttyl jen :)

jenna black: thanks jess :)

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