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dallon weekes created a private-chat at 06:14am.
dallon weekes added brendon urie.

dallon weekes: beebo please tell ryan he's great and we should be friends again and this is all really fucking dumb

brendon urie: he's not here

dallon weekes: i mean text him bc he blocked me

dallon weekes: brendon this one thing i s2g

brendon urie: he blocked me too

dallon weekes: but you're his boyfriend?

brendon urie: we broke up

dallon weekes: ...

dallon weekes: oh

dallon weekes: but

dallon weekes: you dated for six months

dallon weekes: jesus i'm so sorry

dallon weekes: brendon what the fuck even happened

dallon weekes: ryan loves the shit out of you man

dallon weekes: maybe it's just a temporary break

brendon urie: i wish i could be that optimistic

brendon urie: i shouldn't even feel this bad

brendon urie: this guilt

brendon urie: i'm supposed to be a sociopath or something i don't love him so why is my heart coming out my throat dallon i'm going to be sick

brendon urie: he just snapped

brendon urie: as if suddenly realising he could never mean as much to me as i do to him... and he said it's over and he doesn't want to hear from me and our entire relationship was a sick joke and a waste of time

dallon weekes: fuck so he's really just gone

brendon urie: i don't even know where he went

brendon urie: i don't want to be alone right now dal i'll do something stupid i'll regret

dallon weekes: then get over here

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now