145 12 7

a/n: aye, this is the date i see panic! in london.


ryan ross created a private-chat at 09:18pm.
ryan ross added dallon weekes.
ryan ross changed his name to pissed.

pissed: you told brendon you still love him

dallon weekes: i can't lie okay but i don't know how many times i have to tell you that no matter how i feel nothing will happen between us and it's pretty fucking disappointing that you believe otherwise

pissed: i do believe you but what you said wasn't at all necessary

dallon weekes: he was upset and he asked me for help so i was trying to be a good friend

pissed: why would he crawl to you with his problems instead of his boyfriend? bc i'm not the one who told him he has npd and convinced him he was incapable of love so why are you suddenly worth more than i am?

dallon weekes: i didn't say i'm worth shit ryan and he came to me because that's what friends are for and he didn't want to worry you

dallon weekes: i only told him the truth about the npd you're being completely unreasonable

pissed: sorry i wasn't aware you're a fucking doctor

pissed: what would you know about that anyway? you're selfish dallon

dallon weekes: i know enough to realise that he has it but you know what once again i'm only trying to fucking help you both bc i'm the one who convinced him to go to therapy and maybe get a chance at loving you and i'd let you two have your happily ever after but that's never enough is it?

dallon weekes: there's always some fault in what i do like you've never let go of the fact that yes he fucking cheated on you with me but it's over and i regret it every single fucking day like he does too and now we only want what's best for you

dallon weekes: so don't fucking tell me i'm the one who's selfish

pissed: god i don't know why i'm still talking to you

dallon weekes: go ahead and block me but at least last time in august you had a fucking reason to

pissed removed dallon weekes.
pissed blocked dallon weekes.

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