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ryan ross created a group-chat at 12:30am.
ryan ross added jenna black, jess dun, pete wentz and tyler joseph.

ryan ross: i fucked up oh god i fucked up

jenna black: shit what happened?

ryan ross: i was such an asshole to dallon and now he probably hates me and i screamed at brendon so now we're over but he was trying he was trying so hard for me i just fucked everything up completely

pete wentz: hey it's nothing we can't fix

pete wentz: want me to text them and explain the misunderstanding?

ryan ross: nO fuck don't do that please

ryan ross: i told brendon i never wanted to see him again

ryan ross: god i'm such a shitty person all this time i accused them of being selfish but i'm the one who's narcissistic and doesn't deserve them

ryan ross: it's not their fault it's not

jess dun: christ above ryan calm down it'll be okay

ryan ross: no something bad's going to happen

ryan ross: they're eating away my insides

ryan ross: the moths oh fuck the moths

ryan ross: i have to find brendon

ryan ross: i need to tell dallon i'm sorry

tyler joseph: bren told me he's at dallon's if anyone asked

ryan ross: i'll fix this i have to

ryan ross: i'm going to be sick

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now