225 22 1

AUGUST 12TH 2016

brendon urie created a private-chat at 05:05pm.
brendon urie added dallon weekes.

brendon urie: hey

dallon weekes: don't fucking hey me

brendon urie: sorry

brendon urie: i guess you heard that ryan and i are done

brendon urie: but i just wanted to let you know that i don't expect anything to happen

brendon urie: bc i can see that you hate me... everyone hates me since i'm a pompous douche and i'm sorry

dallon weekes: look bren i don't hate you

dallon weekes: i didn't mean what i said

dallon weekes: you're right about the douche thing but you have a fucking mental disorder and you can't control it... i'm not just going to leave you to deal with it alone

dallon weekes: i'm not getting into fucking bed with you but i'll help you get to the root of your problems okay

brendon urie: tysm

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now