237 23 4

AUGUST 12TH 2016

tyler joseph created a private-chat at 03:43pm.
tyler joseph added jess dun.
tyler joseph changed his name to tyjo.

tyjo: let's meet up

jess dun: well shit

jess dun: what happened

tyjo: nothing

tyjo: okay i'll tell you when we meet

jess dun: dude tyler just tell me

tyjo: ugggghhhhh

tyjo: jenna and i broke up

jess dun: what! you were so happy together wtf she fucking loved you ty

tyjo: i know... we mutually agreed that i didn't see her in the way she wanted me to so we're just gonna stay friends

tyjo: she told me there was someone else who obv cared about me and i should be with them or something

tyjo: which is confusing bc idk who that is

jess dun: jesus christ

tyjo: no it's not him

jess dun: tyler

tyjo: well it's not myself omg

jess dun: no tyler listen

jess dun: you are honestly the most obnoxiously oblivious person i have ever met

jess dun: and when i say i love you you need to realise that i mean it and i'm not saying that as just your friend but as someone who has been in love with said obnoxiously oblivious person for a very long time

jess dun: fuck that's why i never wanted to hang out with jenna and you on your dates bc she got you and i didn't

jess dun: and i was so goddamn jealous but i didn't say anything bc i want you to be happy and i worried that admitting this would result in a bad reaction

jess dun: god there's no way you feel the same but at least acknowledge me

jess dun: tyjo pls answer

tyjo: meet me at the park closest to your house in 20 mins

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