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jenna black created a private-chat at 10:58am.
jenna black added dallon weekes.

jenna black: where are you and ryan?

dallon weekes: hiding away

jenna black: you're not doing anything stupid?

dallon weekes: no we just have lots to talk about

dallon weekes: would you really care if we were?

jenna black: ofc i would i really like you dal and i want ryan to be safe too

jenna black: look i understand this sucks ass but the beauty is that it can't get any worse

jenna black: i think ryan needs to be alone right now

jenna black: you might be his best friend but it's overbearing

jenna black: why don't you come with me?

jenna black: no pete or tyler or jess and i'm a good listener :)

dallon weekes: that sounds... good

dallon weekes: yeah ryan's obv not in the mood to talk

dallon weekes: in fact he's being a dick but i forgive him bc how could he not be

dallon weekes: i'll swing by your house

jenna black: okay

jenna black: can i do the whole xx thing?

dallon weekes: i prefer :) bc it reminds me i have the capability to smile

jenna black: and so you should :)

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now