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tyler joseph created a private-chat at 01:40am.
tyler joseph added jess dun.
tyler joseph changed his name to tyreturns.

tyreturns: babe come to my basketball game tomorrow

tyreturns: dawg

jess dun: never say dawg again

tyreturns: cat

jess dun: anyway

jess dun: i'll come

tyreturns: sick

jess dun: why'd you need to ask at nearly 2am though?

tyreturns: can't sleep

jess dun: count sheep

tyreturns: potentially cool lyrics

tyreturns: jish let's start a fucking band

jess dun: you can't have a two person band lmao

tyreturns: yeah you play drums and i'll do other shit like banjo or whatever

jess dun: where the fuck would you get a banjo

tyreturns: ebay

jess dun: you're serious about this

tyreturns: duh

jess dun: i will think about it

jess dun: how many sheep have you counted

tyreturns: in my dreams i just eat them all bc i'm a

tyreturns: dawg

jess dun: fuck off

jess dun: dogs don't eat sheep

tyreturns: cat

jess dun: tyler

tyreturns: what

jess dun: go to sleep kk

tyreturns: kkk

tyreturns: i didn't mean the ku klux klan btw that's nasty

jess dun: goodniGHT

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