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brendon urie created a private-chat at 03:01am.
brendon urie added dallon weekes.

brendon urie: dallon

dallon weekes: what is so important you had to wake me up at 3 in the morning

brendon urie: i can't sleep

dallon weekes: tough shit bye

brendon urie: wait no

brendon urie: i need to ask you something bc you're the only one here for me rn and i trust you and i could never tell ryan or the others without receiving judgement

dallon weekes: that's bullshit there are so many people you could talk to and they wouldn't judge you

brendon urie: whatever you're my best choice okay

dallon weekes: oh

brendon urie: okay shit um

brendon urie: you know i'm just an insecure ass with npd who can't love anyone but what if i could change? what if i could do something about the npd and finally fall in love with ryan like i was supposed to

dallon weekes: look i don't wanna be a pessimist but this sort of thing is stuck with you for life bren

dallon weekes: but that doesn't mean you can't do something like therapy

brendon urie: right...

dallon weekes: ryan deserves that you at least try

dallon weekes: you have plenty of time to turn things around

brendon urie: i'm such a fucked up person dallon... how did i even sink this low like what happened? everyone's fucking disappointed in me and that's what i don't understand about this dumbass mental health disorder because if i'm supposed to be narcissistic then why do i fucking loathe everything about myself?

brendon urie: no wonder my dad left jesus all i do is complain and crave attention which makes me possibly the most shallow idiot you know and why am i kidding myself into thinking i can change when i'm always going to be this shitty problematic kid that nobody wants

brendon urie: and everyone just leaves so why do i bother trying to keep the people around me now as close as i can before they do the same

brendon urie: fucking damn it now i'm crying

dallon weekes: brendon urie you fucking listen to me rn

dallon weekes: you are not a disappointment

dallon weekes: you are not problematic

dallon weekes: you are not a shallow idiot

dallon weekes: you are not unwanted nor unloved

dallon weekes: you are not alone

dallon weekes: i love you

dallon weekes: always have and always will and i'll always stick around for as long as you want me to

dallon weekes: as will all of our friends... tyler jess pete jenna and ryan

dallon weekes: but if you believe otherwise that doesn't make you stupid that makes you human because people are insecure sometimes and that's okay

dallon weekes: i want you to know that whether it be 1 o'clock on a rainy afternoon or 2am in which time you've had one too many drinks or 6 in the morning when you're crying so hard you can't breathe and the world seems like it's going to shatter...

dallon weekes: i'll still listen because i still care and i still believe that you are one of the best people i've ever known

dallon weekes: now you go back to bed and dry your eyes and cuddle your boyfriend and feel lucky and smile and think about the sunshine through your window when you wake up and how great it is to be here on this planet

dallon weekes: and i promise you it gets better

dallon weekes: beebo?

brendon urie: that's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me dallon shit thank you... ugh if i could choose to love any one person i know who i'd pick in a heartbeat

brendon urie: maybe it's awful bc it's not my boyfriend

brendon urie: but i don't care

dallon weekes: remember ily and stay safe and talk to me whenever you need to and get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated

brendon urie: yes mother

brendon urie: you know i think i'll do the therapy for ryan but also for myself and for you

dallon weekes: i'm proud of you

dallon weekes: night bren :)

brendon urie: goodnight x

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