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ryan ross created a private-chat at 03:20pm.
ryan ross added brendon urie.

ryan ross: this isn't real

ryan ross: you're not gone

ryan ross: why aren't you answering?

ryan ross: people don't just go away like this

ryan ross: you're not supposed to die

ryan ross: you never even told me you loved me

ryan ross: i never got to tell you i'm sorry

ryan ross: i'm sorry

ryan ross: what do i do now?

ryan ross: what do you do when you lose someone you love?

ryan ross: how did you deal with your dad bren

ryan ross: how did you deal with it when you saw your messages were delivered but not read

ryan ross: and you'll never see them

ryan ross: what were you doing at dallon's?

ryan ross: i should trust you but i guess it doesn't matter now

ryan ross: i don't understand

ryan ross: you were 19 how is that fair how is any of this fair

ryan ross: i don't want to talk to dallon because he loves you too and i can't do it

ryan ross: loved*

ryan ross: that's not fair either

ryan ross: i wonder what it felt like

ryan ross: suddenly you just don't... exist anymore

ryan ross: and you wouldn't have gotten the chance to think about anything you wish you could change

ryan ross: would you change anything?

ryan ross: things have changed for me

ryan ross: what are you feeling right now?

ryan ross: do you miss me yet?

ryan ross: of course you can't... you're just a rotting corpse now because nothing after life is real

ryan ross: no heaven no god no afterlife

ryan ross: what a fucking waste of time and belief

ryan ross: i can't go to your funeral

ryan ross: i didn't think i'd ever have to say that

ryan ross: i don't want to dress in black and listen to some guy drone on about how much your family loved you

ryan ross: i loved you and where's my fucking medal

ryan ross: it went through the windshield of a mustang and now it's never coming back

ryan ross: it's nearly 4:20 you're supposed to say blaze it

ryan ross: i'll blaze it on my own

ryan ross: love you too :(

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now