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ryan ross created a group-chat at 10:10am.
ryan ross added brendon urie, jess dun and tyler joseph.

ryan ross: bren where are you! we later agreed that you'd meet us here remember!

brendon urie: i'm fucking sleeping?

ryan ross: it's halloween and you have the eggs!

brendon urie: what eggs

tyler joseph: brendon fucking urie get your fucking glittery gay ass to pete goddamn wentz' shithole of a house right fucking now

brendon urie: ah fuck

jess dun: hurry up pete just left his house

tyler joseph: let's split up... jess and i will go round back and ryan stay there

jess dun: is beebo here yet?

ryan ross: it's been 20 fUCKING mINUTES

tyler joseph: b r e n d o n !

ryan ross: i swear to god he's still in bed

jess dun: i'm freezing my non-existent tits off

ryan ross: i see his car fucking finally

brendon urie: fuck you i'm not beyonce i don't wake up flawless

brendon urie: i see ryan okay i'm coming over

jess dun: do you have the eggs

brendon urie: what eggs

tyler joseph: BRENDON!!!

brendon urie: lmao chill i'm jk

ryan ross: go give some to ty and jess then come back round to the front

brendon urie: kk

jess dun: begin the egging!

tyler joseph: hA i got one in his open bedroom window

ryan ross: omg wait is that pete's car

brendon urie: fucking egg it

jess dun: he'll know it was us!

tyler joseph: he'll know anyway tbh

brendon urie: egg the bitch himself

ryan ross: yikes

ryan ross: wHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY i'm

brendon urie: i hit him in the face so gtfo

tyler joseph: abort he sees us!

jess dun: i gOT HIM IN THE BALLS

ryan ross: he's running after breadbin oml

tyler joseph: babe where are you!

jess dun: hiding in a bush


tyler joseph: don't be a dumbass

jess dun: bren are you there

brendon urie: he couldn't catch me what a little bitch

brendon urie: he got ry i'm screamiNG

brendon urie: pete just stuffed a fucking eGG DOWN RYAN'S PANTS

tyler joseph: nO I'M DEAD

jess dun: i'm getting out this fucking bush

brendon urie: lol bye i'm leaving

jess dun: what about your bf

brendon urie: he'll be fine we were just... yolking

tyler joseph: that cracked me up

brendon urie: shut up no-one likes you

jess dun: don't talk to my boo like that

jess dun: run away to your eggs-boyfriend before i beat your ass

brendon urie: okay bye

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now