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jenna black created a private-chat at 02:13pm.
jenna black added dallon weekes.
jenna black changed her name to jennay.

jennay: hey dal we haven't even officially like met

dallon weekes: nice to meet you?

jennay: well your friends have told me plenty

dallon weekes: yikes they're awful don't listen to them

dallon weekes: is your username supposed to be a forrest gump reference?

dallon weekes: like when forrest pronounces jenny's name as jenn-aye you know

jennay: nah but i see your point

jennay: i figured if we're in the same circle we should be straight with each other

dallon weekes: touche

jennay: you should rly say touché if we're not talking about ass

dallon weekes: well shit

dallon weekes: i'm not straight btw so what you said before doesn't work so well with me

jennay: fair enough

jennay: must say girls aren't too captivating to me either

dallon weekes: who said i don't like girls?

jennay: ohhhhh

jennay: well congrats you get at least twice the choice i would

jennay: can i ask you some stuff?

dallon weekes: hit me

jennay: stop me if it's super weird since we're not close but

jennay: do you prefer any gender? do you have days when you feel more attracted to one than another? do you get pissed when people say you're half straight and half gay?

dallon weekes: usually i prefer guys tbh but there are definitely days when that changes... it depends on the person themselves bc ofc gender doesn't rly matter to me

dallon weekes: i'm bi not pan though

dallon weekes: and for the last question nah i think it's funny but don't say it to others maybe

jennay: kk fun talk

dallon weekes: so what's it like being straight do you feel limited in choice?

dallon weekes: that didn't come out so well

dallon weekes: pun not intended

jennay: pun intended*

jennay: no tbh i've obviously always been this way so i guess you could say i don't know what i'm missing... so i can't possibly miss it?

jennay: there are plenty of fish in the sea for everyone dal

jennay: can i call you dal

dallon weekes: if i can call you jen

jennay: accepted

dallon weekes: better job than my parents!

dallon weekes: jk jk

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