218 19 4

AUGUST 27TH 2016

tyler joseph created a private-chat at 12:09am.
tyler joseph added jess dun.
tyler joseph changed his name to tbking.

tbking: guess who's at taco bell rn

jess dun changed her name to tbqueen.

tbqueen: it's fucking midnight

tbking: it's never too late

tbqueen: aye i never said that

tbqueen: fuck it i'm sneaking out

tbking: ohhhh rebel rebel

tbqueen: you've torn your dress

tbking: huh?

tbqueen: bowie reference dude

tbqueen: i'm omw btw

tbking: want me to get you something

tbqueen: the usual ofc

tbqueen: also ty but ty as in thank you and not your name

tbking: so this whole liking each other thing... it's not going to ruin our friendship right? like we can feel different but things won't change

tbqueen: um

tbking: shit i worded that rly bad ughghghgh

tbking: okay i meant that i like you as more than a friend but people can be in a relationship and still be friends you know

tbqueen: relationship?

tbking: sIGH there i go running my mouth again

tbking: i have a proposal

tbking: jess we're just two obnoxiously oblivious taco-loving people who argue about twister and who brendon urie is fucking and it's not much but it's enough and i hadn't noticed it until recently but... i really like you

tbking: will you be in a friendly but also not friendly relationship with me?

tbqueen: have you got my food

tbking: yes?

tbqueen: then i accept

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