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ryan ross created a group-chat at 08:44pm.
ryan ross added brendon urie, jess dun, pete wentz and tyler joseph.
ryan ross changed his name to eggross.

eggross: sorry guys i don't feel like going to dal's tonight i've showered twice and i still smell like egg

eggross: i'd give away our hiding places bc dallon would smell me

brendon urie: oml babe are you okay

eggross: mad at you for running away when i! needed! you! dick...

jess dun: i still can't believe pete stuffed an egg down your ass

pete wentz: ayeee

eggross left the group-chat.

pete wentz: he created this chat wth you can't abandon your own baby

pete wentz: tbh i don't want any part in this dallon thing i barely know him and i've already had my fun being an asshat today so

pete wentz: gotta mcr

pete wentz left the group-chat.

tyler joseph: mcrying

jess dun: you're alive

brendon urie: i'll go get coffee with dallon or something to distract him while you guys hide in his house

brendon urie: did you get the masks?

jess dun: no they didn't sell the ones we wanted :(

jess dun: so i got a cher one

tyler joseph: and i'm michelle obama

brendon urie: nice i'll call dal now

brendon urie: ... he said coffee was weird for 9pm

brendon urie: so i said the cake shop and he agreed

brendon urie: you have an hour to sneak in and make it all spooky and shit

brendon urie: play some weird music and turn off the lights and write messages on the mirrors with ketchup

jess dun: i'm gonna make the satanist symbol on his kitchen table using salt

tyler joseph: we should leave the tv on static and jess bring some of your grandma's creepy ass dolls to put on the sofas

brendon urie: we're at the cake shop now are you in?

tyler joseph: yeah we're wreaking havoc man

jess dun: i'm lighting candles and placing them randomly around his garden with creepy post-it notes on them

brendon urie: hide now he just left

brendon urie: don't reveal yourselves until he's seen all the creepy shit

brendon urie: and pls film the reaction i will fucking pay you

brendon urie: you there?

brendon urie: hello you twinks

brendon urie: ugh get back to me whenever then

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now