280 22 9

JULY 25TH 2016

tyler joseph created a private-chat at 07:14am.
tyler joseph added jess dun.
tyler joseph changed his name to tyjo.

tyjo: wake up sunshine

jess dun: hey hey

tyjo: i don't want to offend you but i have something to ask

jess dun: dude you're tyler joseph you couldn't possibly offend me

tyjo: okay i was thinking about our childhoods

tyjo: and how you'd always paint your nails and ask why boys couldn't wear dresses and when you were 8 you stole your mom's makeup

tyjo: and at 14 you told me you didn't feel like you belonged in your skin and i asked why and you said you couldn't explain it

tyjo: i left it alone but i always worried about you and i didn't know what was going on

tyjo: i'm sorry i didn't realise especially since you've clearly known it for a while... i feel like a shit friend

tyjo: how long have you known you were a girl?

jess dun: you're not a shit friend ty

jess dun: i think maybe since i was 15

tyjo: 4 years jesus j you could've told me :(

jess dun: you can call me jish btw it's kind of cute

jess dun: i meant cool not cute

tyjo: okay jish

tyjo: ngl it sort of is fucking cute

tyjo: you there?

jess dun: i love you

tyjo: ily too friend :)

jess dun: tyler

tyjo: yeah?

jess dun: never mind

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