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jenna black created a private-chat at 03:03pm.
jenna black added dallon weekes.

jenna black: dAL

dallon weekes: jEN

jenna black: are we friends?

dallon weekes: ofc

jenna black: fuck

dallon weekes: what

jenna black: you're a loser

dallon weekes: i'm your problematic fav loser

jenna black: ew no

jenna black: anyway there's actually a legitimate reason i made this chat

jenna black: i read this thing online and idk if it's true so i'm asking people to see if they know...

dallon weekes: god save us

jenna black: can guys really suck their own cocks?

dallon weekes: the fuck!

dallon weekes: jfc well personally i can't jen but maybe if they took gymnastics so they could be flexible enough

dallon weekes: i didn't know we were at the level of friendship in which i actually felt okay talking about this shit

jenna black: we're not very conventional people

jenna black: i think jess has rubbed off on me

dallon weekes: way to make it sound sexual

jenna black: stop

dallon weekes: hammer time

jenna black: this is the only reason we're friends

dallon weekes: why i'm just a lost child who doesn't know his place on the earth

jenna black: do you still love brendon

dallon weekes: ...

jenna black: yikes this took a turn for the worst

jenna black: i'm sorry forget i asked that

dallon weekes: it's fine

dallon weekes: after being with and knowing someone for that long it's almost impossible not to at least always care about them but as for love...

dallon weekes: maybe i'll tell you the full truth one day

jenna black: okay xx

dallon weekes: you did not just xx me

jenna black: yes i fucking did bitch xx

dallon weekes: one of my favourite songs is crystallised by the xx

jenna black: ffs who names their band... the

dallon weekes: the xx

jenna black: the?

dallon weekes: the xx... xx

dallon weekes: jesus you're like a kid who requires their friend to say over into the walkie-talkie every time

jenna black: don't blow a fuse dal

jenna black: you know i like you a lot

dallon weekes: i like me a lot too xx

jenna black: :/

dallon weekes: :/

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now