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jess dun created a private-chat at 06:30pm.
jess dun added tyler joseph.
jess dun changed her name to jessthecowgirl.

jessthecowgirl: come over and watch toy story and screw around with me both figuratively and literally

tyler joseph: um okay see you soon ily

jessthecowgirl: ditto

jessthecowgirl: ... tyjo where are you it's been an hour

tyler joseph: sry stuck in traffic

jessthecowgirl: do you know how many people live in this town and do you know how close you live to my house? add those numbers together and the answer is like fuck you're stuck in traffic

tyler joseph: okay baby girl you caught me i'm sorry :( i just

tyler joseph: i'm organising something... a surprise

tyler joseph: like i rly want to watch movies on your couch and make out and all that fun stuff but i did this other thing

tyler joseph: do you mind if i come pick you up rn?

jessthecowgirl: i'm in my pjs

tyler joseph: so am i don't worry about it

tyler joseph: we're not going anywhere public nobody will see you but me

jessthecowgirl: idk ty...

tyler joseph: pleeeeeeeease i spent all day planning this and i promise you'll love it :)

tyler joseph: i even have a bottle of rosé it's the good stuff xx

jessthecowgirl: ugh okay only bc ilysm xx

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now