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jenna black created a group-chat at 03:02pm.
jenna black added brendon urie, dallon weekes, jess dun, ryan ross and tyler joseph.
jenna black changed her name to jenthehen.

jenthehen: before i begin are we all friends now?

dallon weekes changed his name to dalpal.

dalpal: it's all good

jenthehen: fucking finally

jenthehen: i have summoned my devil children today bc in celebration of ending september or something idk we are going to do something as a family

tyler joseph changed his name to tyjo.

tyjo: alright mother

brendon urie: wink wonk

dalpal: fuck off urine

ryan ross: i'ma step in here

jess dun: you jelly bro

ryan ross: fuck off with your memes

jess dun: that's not a meme? i'm the meme queen

tyjo: jenna why are we here

dalpal: hoe

tyjo: what

jess dun: shade

brendon urie: what


tyjo: don't call my bae a fuck

jess dun: gasp am i your bae

tyjo: no it's breadbin

brendon urie: i'M SO GAY RN

jenthehen: fuck it you know what

jenthehen: i'm going to leave you guys for a while to get all this dumb shit out your systems

ryan ross: cough

jenthehen: except ry bc he can take things srsly

ryan ross: mhm

jenthehen: kk i will return when you turds calm tf down

jenthehen left the group-chat.

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now