283 22 3

AUGUST 24TH 2016

ryan ross created a group-chat at 08:43pm.
ryan ross added jess dun and tyler joseph.
ryan ross changed his name to theross.

theross: hey guys

theross: i rly don't know what to do about brendon...

theross: he fucked up bad but i mean i fell in love with the prick

jess dun changed her name to wisedun.

wisedun: my name is like wise one get it

wisedun: anyway do you want us to play angel and devil

theross: yeah thx knock yourself out

wisedun: dIBS ON DEVIL

tyler joseph changed his name to wisety.

wisety: at least my name is sicker than yours jish

wisety: cause wise guy

theross: are you going to argue or are you going to help me

wisedun: he cheated on you with your best friend man

wisedun: and had a relationship with him yet never told you

wisedun: and he says he can't love you

wisety: shit she's got a good point

theross: tYLER

wisety: okay okay well you obv love him like a fucking lot and everyone makes mistakes dude

wisety: and bden is just an awesome guy you can't disagree on that

wisety: plus he's gay as hell so he'd never leave you for a girl

wisedun: ty you suck at this

theross: idk what to do you idiots are not helping

wisedun: well who said we have to help you? dick

wisety: look ryro maybe let him explain himself better like unblock him and hear him out then make your decision

wisety: nobody is saying you have to get back together with him now or ever but you could at least make an effort to be on friendly terms

wisety: like jenna and i and i'm so glad we are

theross: ugggghhhhh i suppose you're right

theross: fuck

theross: thanks tyler

theross left the group-chat.

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