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jenna black joined the group-chat at 05:00pm.

rainbow: welcome back to the dark side

cloud: we have changed our names to fit the weather and you must guess who is who

thunder: wouldn't it be whom

jenna black: sun is jess bc it rhymes with dun


sun changed her name to jess.

drizzle: haha

jenna black: drizzle is ty

drizzle: fuck damn it

drizzle changed his name to tyler.

rainbow: three to guess kk

jenna black: rainbow is beebo bc he's bent like one

rainbow: ok true

rainbow changed his name to brendon.

jenna black: thunder is dal and cloud is ryan

thunder changed his name to dallon.
cloud changed his name to ryan.

ryan: yay

jess: gay

brendon: what

jenna black: i thought we were done with this

jess: (;

jenna black: don't you fucking dare

dallon: what did you create this chat for jen

jenna black: i was going to say we should all meet up tonight

tyler: sorry my gf and i are sexing

brendon: whoa buddy

ryan: shit are you two actually

dallon: they've been together for a while so fair enough

brendon: jess tops

jess: not that it's any of your concern but i do actually

dallon: i like this breaking stereotypes that guys should be doms y'know

jess: tyler just likes getting fucked in the ass

ryan: yikes

jenna black: sigh

ryan: yeah bren and i are doing stuff too

dallon: jen you got me

jenna black: bye

dallon: rUDE

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now