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ryan ross unblocked dallon weekes.
ryan ross created a private-chat at 10:11am.
ryan ross added dallon weekes.

ryan ross: they're coming to get us

ryan ross: do you want to get out for a while?

ryan ross: come with me

ryan ross: brendon had this nice place in the woods

ryan ross: it's good to get away sometimes

dallon weekes: okay

ryan ross: i'm sorry we had that fight

ryan ross: you're right i'm selfish so selfish that maybe if i wasn't such an ass i would've still had him and we wouldn't have broken up and he would still be here

dallon weekes: you're not selfish i didn't mean that and i'm sorry too

ryan ross: but it's my fault

dallon weekes: ryan you're not the one who put him in that car never mind being the one who crashed it

dallon weekes: look there's something you should know

dallon weekes: a few minutes before the crash brendon texted me

dallon weekes: and he told me to tell you what he put as... the words you need to hear

dallon weekes: i don't know if he tried to text you too

dallon weekes: since you blocked him you probably never got the message if he did

dallon weekes: but i think he realised he made some mistakes

dallon weekes: i think i know what he was trying to do

dallon weekes: do you understand?

dallon weekes: it was always you ryan

dallon weekes: no matter what brendon and i had or how much i loved him it didn't matter

dallon weekes: he loved you

ryan ross: what kind of joke is that

dallon weekes: believe me it's not

ryan ross: he had npd dallon

dallon weekes: i guess it doesn't matter anymore

ryan ross: ... i believe you

ryan ross: i believe him

ryan ross: i don't know if it makes this better or worse

ryan ross: but you're right

ryan ross: it doesn't matter anymore

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now