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jess dun created a private-chat at 01:44am.
jess dun added tyler joseph.

jess dun: ik it's early but i'm throwing rocks at your window dude open the fuck up

jess dun: i'm doing the whole 80s thing with the speakers on my shoulders

jess dun: come out and hear the music i made it myself

jess dun: well i got some help

jess dun: wrote the songs for you

jess dun: tyjo you cannot be sleeping rn i've probably woken the whole neighbourhood up

tyler joseph: oml what

jess dun: are you trying to shout at me? i can't hear you over the music ;)

tyler joseph: that is so fucking cute but maybe turn it down so we can hear each other babe

tyler joseph: but i can't believe you're doing this at nearly 2am

jess dun: we're going to have tb and fuck later and happy birthday and i love you very much okay you turd

tyler joseph: exactly as it should be ily too

tyler joseph: but why are we texting if you're right outside my house?

tyler joseph: get in here you dork xx

jess dun: what beautiful names we give each other my favourite little shit xx

tyler joseph: endearing xx

Message Unseen ➤ RYDEN/BRALLON/JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now