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Alfred continued his day with the regular things, such as making appointments and writing or signing documents for his approval.

"Alfred, you sure you're not going to tell Princess Natalya?" Prince Mathew of Northmanni asked. Alfred looked at his brother with a calm reassuring look.

"Yeah I'm not telling her dude, I'm pretty sure her brother would kill me if he thought I would somehow reject Natalya and gone with my soulmate" Alfred said as he felt guilt again in his heart. "And that dude is not my soulmate!"

"You must have a soulmate for a good reason. If The Haven has decided you to have-"

"Mattie! No dude! You know soul mates is a bunch of crap. When did you ever hear about power being love in real life?" Alfred asked his brother as the Canadian looked sad.

"But mom and dad loved eachother" Mathew said as Alfred shook his head

"But Dad was weak! Man! I need power before love. Besides Natalya is finally warming up to me" Alfred informed as Mathew shook his head

" don't need power, you have the loyalty of many citizens! You're a great King already who raised our economy, and now you want the alliance with Northmagin? Why? That's being ambitious" Mathew informed as Alfred shook his head

"You don't understand Mattie, we need to become as capable as the others, King Ivan is stronger than I, cause he has a halfie, King Yao is just peaceful but he holds magic. I'm a simple human, " Alfred said as Prince Mathew furrowed his eyebrows

"So...what's your plan?"

"A new invention. Called guns." Alfred said as he began to look through stacks of paperwork and took out blueprints of this new invention, "the scientists believe that these will revolutionize war, and it seemed rather cool. More effective. If this...dude, who says he's an angel or devil turns out to be a devil kingdom will fall but I won't let that happen." Alfred informed as he smiled. It was a not a kind smile but one that held ambition.

"Alfred...why don't you just talk to your soulmate, his names Arthur. He seems kind, I met him earlier with Princess Lily"

"I don't want to see him. How am I suppose to patch things up with him? He saw me with Natalya and glared at me! I felt like I was scolded! Jesus! Mattie! He hates me"

"Then go apologize" Mathew replied as he handed Alfred a key. "He's in a spare room near the stables. Apparently he's very antisocial"

" thanks-"

"Take it. Alfred. Or I swear I will send Francis to bother you" Mathew threatened as Alfred's face turned pale.

"But...Francis talks so much!" Alfred whined as Matthew laughed. "Fine...I may go apologize.."

"Good. I actually am having lunch with Arthur, he seems kind. He's a little older than you"

"Older!? He's so small"Alfred commented as he walked out of the room.

"Alfred, you want to come along?" Mathew asked as Alfred bit his lip and sighed in defeat "So you are. Cmon" Mathew said as he opened the door. "Let's go meet Arthur"


Arthur met Mathew outside by the gardens of the castle. A small picnic table was placed in the field under a tree whom provided shade for them. "Oh hello!" Arthur greeted as his eyes met Mathews but once they met Alfred's they filled with hatred.
"What is he bloody doing here !?"

"Arthur please calm down, this is Alfred."

"Yes i bloody know that." Arthur growled as Alfred flinched

"Dude..I'm sorry-"

"I have a name" Arthur replied with a hateful tone as Alfred sighed.

"Arthur...I'm sorry" The King replied. Arthur felt his heart beat faster, the way he said his name was as if caressing it. It was a calm kind tone, that gave Arthur sweet chills.

"I..accept your apology. But I have a favor to ask " Arthur said as Alfred raised a brow.
"Could you please free my brothers? They haven't eaten any good food lately, and you have quite the delicious chef." Arthur replied as Alfred nodded.

"Sure. I'll free them" Alfred said as he looked hungrily at the food. "B-but can we do that after-"

"Alfred" Mathew warned

Alfred sighed heavily and stomped off, "fine! I'll bring them! If I die its your damn fault!" Alfred yelled. Arthur felt his lips curl into a smile, as a laugh escaped his lips. His supposed soulmate was actually a whining loud mouthed Prince who acted as King. Mathew turned to Arthur in surprise as the Brit laughed and began to walk after Alfred.

"I'll help you tame my brothers" Arthur yelled out as Alfred's eyes brightened. Like a cute puppy

"Really?" Alfred asked as Arthur caught up and nodded. "Mattie!! Take care of the food!!"

In minutes Alfred and Arthur were in the dungeons. The darkness only illuminated by the Fire torches around. Arthur walked Infront of Alfred as he knew where his brothers were.

"Scott! Psst! Cole! Dylan!" Arthur whispered as there were rustling in a cell. Alfred felt his body tense as he knew he held a sword by his side.

"Oi! Artie!" Cole spoke in an Irish accent. "You 'ere! Damn lass! We're 'ungry"

"I know but just wait" Arthur said as he looked at Alfred. The American brought out a bunch of keys and began to open the cell. Alfred opened the cell and let Arthur walk in,

"Artie!" His brother yelled in happiness as they parted their brothers back or ruffles his hair. "Did they get you? Oh god! Did the dirty King rape ya?!" Scott asked as Arthur began to turn red.

"No! No!" Arthur yelled, calming his brothers.

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