Ch.32: Looking for Him

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yes, i was gone, yes, i was on hiatus and gone for the longest period of time, i think a month or two? shit, whomever knows how long i was gone, comment about that.

Anyways, Back to what you all want to read.


"So what were these cells used for?" Arthur asked, afraid to hear a terrible answer. Mathias was the talkative one, so he answered.

"well, back then it was used for the usual, torture, interrogation, criminals, you name it. I think there were experiments conducted on criminals here? I think...I'm not sure," Mathias commented as he jet walking, the clicking of footsteps being heart through the underground dungeons. "It will take sometime to get through here, but trust me we can make it-" Mathias had begun to say when the ground shook. Trembling under them, for above them. A terrifying Ror was heard. "Shit."

"I think...the monster wants to tear down the wall: Lukas spoke, as the ground stopped trembling and everything was silent before a huge sound of Thunder was heard outside joining the loudest terrifying roar there could have ever been heard.....

They were running out of time.


The ground shook as though there were an earthquake happening and suddenly it just stopped like nothing ever happened. The Nordics looked between each other giving a knowing look, danger.

Arthur looked confused, stressed, unamused and worried all at the same time. His first thoughts weren't on his safety but On alfred's safety. The Angel was so incredibly in love that his heart and soul would only think about others rather than himself, and more precisely, his soulmate.

"Get bloody moving!" Arthur barked orders as he begun o rush it, not caring whether he knew the exit or whatever.

"A-arthur!" Emil yelled, "You don't even know where you're going!" The icelandic boy yelled after the Angel but the stubborn brit wasn't going to listen, he needed to see Alfred. He needed to keep Alfred safe, He had promised to keep him safe...Maybe not alfred, But Arthur had promised himself that he would keep The King safe.

"i don't bloody care i need to see Alfre-"

"woow!" Mathias yelled after the Angel as the danish man grabbed onto Arthur. "your brothers would kill me if i don't take care of ya man! Just calm down! first of all, you are our mission! We have to keep you safe-"

"I'm the bloody angel! I have to keep all the three kingdoms safe! I know my brothers want me safe, but...The thought of losing Alfred makes me.."

"heartbroken?" Kiku asked as the japanese was observing the 'show'

"y-yes..." Arthur muttered as his cheeks turned red. "I need alfred safe, Please. Mathias. Let me go to him, i am The Angel, i can bloody take care of myself-"

"take Gilbert with you, Take Princess Elizaveta." mathias gave his conditions. Arthur raised a brow, questioning the conditions. "Gilbert knows how to fight, so does Princess Elizaveta. You, on the other hand Artie, You don't know anything more than taming a dragon, tracking animals and speaking to fairies"

Arthur turned red in embarassment, He felt useless but the way mathias made it sound, made him sound like a bloody damsel in distress. The brit glared. Mathias smiled, teasing the Angel more. "and don't die."

Arthur muttered some curse words under his breath as mathias gave his most charming smile to arthur. "you twat"

"love ya too artie! By the way, stay alive so we can go drinking at your wedding" Mathias joked as Arthur's Cheeks turned a furious red. The thought of marrying King alfred was too much even for him. "You think Alfred doesn't recognize you as his soulmate? He's been dying to see you again." Mathias informed, those sincere blue eyes were speaking the truth, one Arthur had been waiting for, for so long.

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