Ch. 39: Be My Queen?

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Seems like people really like this book, Holy shit. I have gotten many great comments and votes and all that stuff, and i am very happy you all like it!

So here i go, A long chapter for my darlings. You guys! and...some yaoi...but whatever, read.


Arthur looked at Alfred, the two holding eye contact for what seemed forever.

"Alfred, I just wanted to say that I'm not here for you. I'm here for the dragons. You have quite the fine specimens and-" Arthur began to say as Alfred couldn't help but smile. "What you wanker?"

"I think it's cute how you think I invited you here because you still think I like you." alfred informed in a competitive voice that made Arthur irritated.

"It's probably because you bloody know you can't win me over" Arthur replied back bitterly but he didn't know that he was falling into Alfred's trap. Alfred stood up from the ground as he patted the dragons goodbye. "Oi! Wanker I'm bloody talking to you!" Arthur hissed in anger as Alfred began to walk deeper into the woods. The Angel followed.

Before Arthur knew it, alfred and him were alone, in the woods. "Wanker!"

Alfred spun around on his heels as his gaze met Arthurs, His lips upturned into a smirk. "You're so cute arthur" Arthur could feel his cheeks turn red,

"Bloody wanker, i was bloody talking! You don't ignore me!"

"Like you ignore me whenever Arabella is around, Oh please dude, this is fair."

"Fair my arse!" Arthur replied back as he took a step closer to the King, "I came here for the dragons sake, for arabella's sake. Not you, and your little Triumphant little arse who thinks he can take over anything and anyone"

"So you admit that i can do it?" Alfred asked as Arthur furrowed his brows, "I mean, like...Conquer someone."

"Course you can! you're the bloody King!'

"Okay, I'm conquering you" Alfred said in a matter of fact voice as Arthur was confused even more. Before the brit knew it, Alfred's lips grazed against Arthurs, that shock of sweet shivers made the Angel weak. Alfred chuckled as his hands took Arthur by his waits and held him close, "I would conquer every bit of you, your heart, your mind, your body. I will seduce you and conquer everything you are. Trust me, you will beg to be mines" Alfred huskily spoke as his warm breath grazed arthur's lips. The angel felt the biggest urge to kiss the King. The angel moved in closer as Alfred could feel Arthur's utter attraction.

"That's my plan, to conquer you. To take your heart as mines." those words made Arthur's beat faster and his eyes widen as he cheeks began to slowly turn a flush red.

"A-Alfred..." Arthur managed to whisper the words when Alfred smirked as grazed the tip of his nose against arthur's jaw. The Brit shivered in delight to feel the skin contact, He tilted his head to a side to let alfred continue. The King smirked as he began to kiss slowly and sensually. Arthur moaned as he felt those amazing lips against his skin, Fire being ignited in his heart and skin. "A-alfred....p-please.."

Arthur could feel Alfred's tongue against his neck, and the sound of sucking. The King removed himself as he gave a smile, "First, a mark." Alfred said as he winked. Arthur felt his cheeks turn a furious red as he realized how stupid he was. He had let alfred mark him! A Damn lovebite! The American began to walk off, going back to the dragons.

"You idiot!" Arthur yelled angrily as he touched his neck, still feeling the wonderful shivers and feelings. "I won't fall for you!"

"You did once, I'm willing to try again, Angel" Alfred replied as he smirked and kept walking off. Arthur was left with red blushing cheeks and a love bite to disguise.

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