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"We're not promised tomorrow" ~John Legend.(Like I'm Gonna Lose You)


So, i apologize for the fairly short chapter, i went on a trip and lets just say the mountains are freezing cold. I got a small fever but hey! Im alive and updating. 

If anyone has read my 2nd book->The beginning is with a Link, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone gave me tips and hints to what people like, but anyways! Here you go !


The ball was quick for Arthur after he talked to Alfred, Arabella had totally noticed something wrong with Arthur/Henry. That once they got home she made him tea and sat him down to talk, Arthur knew that when she served tea and pastries it meant A TALK.


"Arabella, I know i wasn't myself after i went to get your book.." Arthur admitted as he looked at the tea before him, "I-I figured out who i am..."

Arabella's blue eyes widened as she looked at Arthur. Her lips became a stern line as she took a deep breath. She knew this day would come no matter what, Arthur's power as the Angel was getting skilled and more magical each time he went out to fly or practice magic.


"Im Arthur Kirkland." Arabella's eyes widened even more as she pursed her lips again,

"well...Arthur, I respect your kindness for telling me who you really are, I will understand if you leave.." She said as her blue eyes began to gain tears, Arthur looked at her. He could feel how his heart was being squeezed with pain, He hated seeing her in pain.

"If you're Arthur...Then your soulmate is....King Alfred F. Jones of're The angel who saved the realm of Humans, and even gave them magic once more. You're a hero, and The King will want his Love Back."

"Arabella, I can't decided who i want to be with." Arthur admitted as he held the cup of tea closer, "You need me, and i have learned to care for you-"

"Arthur, you shouldn't think that you should stay with me for a debt, I saved you, i know. But Even a witch like me knows the power of Soulmates, You will become undeniably attracted to King Alfred, and- and no matter what... you will leave me-" her eyes began to water, "Arthur, just leave me be and you can go back to Alfred. I promised you i would let you go when the time was right-"

"And this isn't the bloody time!" Arthur yelled out loud as he gained her attention, He went to her side of the table and kneeled down infant of her, "Arabella, i promised you i would be there for you when you were sad, broken and i know i have gained your love and i won't break it the way that idiot of Harry did."

Her eyes began to let tears flow as Arthur took her hand and placed a kiss upon it. "A-Arthur-"

"Arabella, i know you're not feeling well because of what i have told you...But i bloody promised you i would be there for you, no matter what."

"But Arthur" She cried as Arthur picked her up from her chair and held her close to him. She smelled his familiar scent, and felt his warmth. He was her fix from her depression, when did she depend so much on him? After the first time they slept together? Or after the late night talks they had? What about after the first time they kissed?

"You are destined for King Alfred n-not me" She sniffled as Arthur wiped her tears, he needed to listen to her so he could understand her better. "No matter what you will be His, not could i even fit in between you two? After so much we have done together. You are and will always be Alfreds, not mines. I will never be able to stay with you when you have a soulmate."

Arthur began to blush as he knew exactly what she was talking about, the late night talks, the way they made love, or their early morning routines. yet, it didn't feel like they were a TRUE couple, It felt like they were best friends with benefits.

"Alfred and I have a complicated relationship...He caused me a lot of pain....Bella, do you want me to make your mind wander?" Arthur asked quietly as Arabella looked at Arthur with confusion. "I can make your pain go away right now, i won't leave you, i promised you." Arthur said as he kissed her collar bone. Arabella could feel his kindness and warmth, the sincerity of his words. Everything Arthur had was a fix for her.

"Let me make your pain go away," He whispered against her skin as he lightly sucked. Arabella wrapped her arms around him and let herself indulge in his kisses and caresses, "Arabella, say it." he demanded in a cool rather sexy husky tone.

"I want you to make it go away." She whispered as her lips were sealed by Arthurs. Their warmth being addicting, and wherever he touched her sparked a feeling of Excitement and yet peace. He was The angel and he could totally make that happen in a person, but this was more intimate. He lightly bit her bottom lip as she let herself go to him, The brit let his tongue wander in her mouth as his hands ran over her curves.

"Arthur, Y-you're being too much,"

"Only for you, my witch" He chuckled as he began to lead her into their bedroom. This was the only way to make her forget of her worries, and he needed her to calm down. This wasn't love, but a fix....Arthur knew that but even he needed a fix. To forget what Alfred had said and confessed and done to him....


Meanwhile Alfred sat in his study room, thinking about what had happened. He found Arthur, yet arthur wasn't willing to accept him easily. Arthur had a girlfriend, Meaning Alfred would have to fight for Arthur. The King sighed as King Yao entered the study room.

"Aiyah! I knew you would be moping! Aru!" Yao yelled as he held two cups. "I brought you a coffee-aru. And Everyone knows Arthur-aru is alive." he handed the cup of coffee to Alfred.

"Yeah, rumor goes around fast."

"everyone-aru was there-aru" Yao said as he sat by the American king. "Arthur-aru is dating-"

"Yeah i know, don't remind me." Alfred spoke in an irritated voice, "She's probably indulging in my Arthur." Alfred growled annoyed as he sipped his coffee. "dude, this is pretty good"

"Francis-aru, made it with the help of Feleciano-aru. Those two seem to know what you like"

"Everyone seems to know me, but now i don't know Arthur!" Alfred yelle out frustrated, "how do i even gain him back? He told me he wouldn't leave her..." The king thought about it when an idea came to him. " I got it! Let's invite them here to stay in exchange for The Countess to teach my men more magic!"

Yao looked at Alfred in disbelief. "Alfred-aru...Y-you're not thinkng-"

"Dude its a genius plan! That makes my ties stronger to Northmagin, and I'm sure Nati will help me with this. Arthur is a great dragon trainer and rider, so i could have him teach my men on that. Remember, we are a new magical kingdom" Alfred explained as Yao didn't know what to say. It was a great plan but how would that make Arthur love Alfred?

"How will you make Arthur-aru love you again?"

"Easy, I spend time with him. Course, i will spend time with..H-his girlfriend too. She was pretty but i am a king and i can separate my feelings from my job"

"Doesn't seem like it-aru" Yao muttered as Alfred glared, "Alfred-aru, i think you should consider another-"

"Nope! I want Arthur, And i will gain him back. Besides..I'm sure he doesn't love her...."

"Alfred-aru sure? " Yao asked as he remembers date ball. Arthur was with the countess all night and the two looked perfect. They held hands, he went for their drinks and the way they danced together was beyond beautiful. Alfred's eyes sparkled as he thought of the genius plan. Yao sighed a she sipped his tea,

"Fine, i will help-aru. I will let the Oracles stay here so they can finally see Arthur-aru. They have been waiting to see him" Yao informed as Alfred smiled,

"Thanks dude, this is everything i ever needed. Trust me, Arthur will come back to us" 

And so the Plan began.

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