Ch. 33 His Lost Angel

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"I was told why do i write, Well i write for people who liked to Get out of their Real worlds, who depend on fictional characters to feel better and need that daily dose of feels....That's who i write for, i write for people like me"


there may be Spelling mistakes and crap and I'm too lazy to fix, but here ya go


That sickening growl and howl was from the dragon, and when it was rushing towards arthur. It began to change back into human form. Fangs, Darkness surrounded the mans figure.

Alfred noticed how elizaveta began to rush Arthur away with the Horse, quickening both pace and speed to get to safety. To Alfred.

"Ned!!" Alfred yelled as The dutch was busy killing someone, Alfred looked around, pleading to look for help to get to Arthur. The American began to run for Arthur, but the dark figure was getting closer with inhumane speed.

"ARTHUR!!!" Alfred yelled at the top of his lungs but not even then could the Angel hear him. all that could be heard were thousands of war cries, screams of agony, moans and groans of pain as well as the sounds of guns blazing and swords clashing. The thunder roared and Rain began to fall heavily. "ARTHUUUURRR!!" Alfred screamed once more but he was too far.

Elizaveta rushed her horse to run away from the enemy, as she began to summon spells but the Demonic man turned into a huge dragon and slapped her off the horse with a swift flick of his tail. Arthur was cornered. The angel held his ground as the being before him turned human once more, but they couldn't hide their devilish fangs or devilish nature. The darkness was thick around Arthur....

The angel was cornered.

"You won't kill me." Arthur told the demon, as he heard a chuckle. Such a chilling one.

"You won't live after this"

"Alfred will win." Arthur vowed as he closed his eyes, clenching his hands into fists,

"Scared to see death in the face?" The monster hissed, Arthur breathed slowly. Controlling his magic. He needed to focus, "Oh Arthur, i can smell that delicious-"

"De angelo in diabolum, peto ut, sentire et halitus meus intercluditur. Monstrum est, qui peccaverunt in me, et aperta sententia purgatorium ..."

((From Angel to Devil, I ask you to find, To feel and to breathe. To sentence the monster who sinned and open Purgatory with me...)))

Arthur chanted these words as His wings extended and a blinding light began but the Monster didn't flinch. Arthur felt fear begin to surge but he gulped it down. He had to control his emotions, if he wanted it to work.

"You think you can send me to-" He began to say when a raging Red aura from across the battlefield began to appear. Gilbert was finishing the Sinful heaven Ritual. The monster growled as he felt the ground under him tremble. Arthur smirked,

"You can fuck off bloody monster!"

"you are coming with me!" He growled as he changed his form back into a dragon. Bones popping, and skin deforming itself. Arthur took steps back as he felt the Demonic Dragon begin to run for him. Arthur flapped his wings as fast and as best as he could to get away.

The rain was stopping him from properly flying, The dragon swiped its shape claws towards Arthur as it caught one of his wings, lightning clashed with thunder as Arthur was thrown to the earth. His beautiful Pristine Left wing was scarred with blood...because half of it had been ripped apart. The dragon laughed as it had Half Arthurs wing underneath Its claws.

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