Ch.26 new replica's

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Short chapter I'm sorry, but I've been a bit busy.

As night fell...
Arthur fought as best as he could, as he tried to hold onto Elizabeth. Kuro Honda, grabbed on to her. and had kicked Gilbert away, so he couldn't hold on to her. But the Prussian despite many kicks in the face he didn't let go. His bloody nose, and broken lip as well as swollen cheek meant nothing to him more than her.
"No! You won't bloody take her!!" The British man yelled as that night, Elizabeth was being replicated. Kuro sighed heavily.

"I'll kill her right here and now, if you don't let go" Kuro spoke, in a cool cold tone, as he had Elizabeth by her arms, and his hands wrapped around her neck. Both Arthur and Gilbert were holding onto her legs.

"Let go" Liz pleaded as she felt Kuro's hands begin to construct her airway canal. "Please...I'll be fine" she promised as her green eyes were full of worry. Gilbert didn't let go. Arthur slowly began to let go, as Kuro pulled her harshly. Gilbert clung to the Hungarian woman, as the dark version of Kiku threw one last kick in the direction of the Prussian. Kicking him back.
Gilbert fell backwards onto the cold cell floor, and watched as his best friend was taken. He didn't even try to get up.

"Gilbert! Are you okay?" Lily asked as she rushed to his side, and her small warm hands were inspecting his face. "He's conscious, I just think he's in shock"

Gilbert pushed himself up, and straightened his nose. A small "crack" was heard... Everyone stayed quiet seeing the anger in the Prussians eyes, it was beyond lethal. One glare could probably kill you.


When Elizabeth returned, she was not only a bit cut up, but also beaten. She was thrown back into the dungeons, and lily was taken, despite all the helpless pleading she did to Francois. He was a little softer on her than the rest.
"Get up. And let's go." He cruelly spoke, the Frenchman had actually not gone to grab lily instead he waited for her. Lily began to cry as she stood up slowly,
"I don't have all damn day!" The french man barked, as he glared at her. Lily flinched and continued walking, as she gave a weak but reassuring look to everyone that she would be okay.

She made it to the door, when Francois didn't grab her or even touch her. Instead he let her walk by herself, everyone was extremely weirded out, but said nothing. Knowing they didn't want Lily to get hurt.
"S-shouldn't you lead..." She mumbled as she heard the door close behind her. The hallway was dimly lit, and all she could feel was darkness, but this Frenchman made her feel...extremely embarrassed , it was weird. "I-I don't understand why you're doing this" she spoke softly as Francois began to walk forward. His towering presence was reassuring that she was partially okay.

"It's not that I choose to, it's that I have to" Francois replied, his voice cold yet distant even sad. Lily looked at the French man and noticed he seemed rather conflicted. "Can you stop staring, I don't think you want me to rape you-"

"I don't think you would" lily replied as Francois stopped and looked at her in disbelief. How could this little girl think he wouldn't hurt her? He was darkness, and a creation of it. He was a replica, a bad one. There was no good in him. "I can sense you're...not happy" lily quietly spoke. Francois slammed his fist against the wall, chasing a loud Sound ringing through the hallway.

"Never. Think. That I would be happy or even good, that's pathetic" Francois replied as lily looked fearful, but she stood tall, or as tall as her small frame would let her. "You think cause you're a damn oracle, you can save the damn world. It's not that way, princess. This world is harsh and cruel, everyone is temporary, and I couldn't care less-"

"You sound experienced in this." Lily replied back as Francois was shocked at her calmness. She was shaking, yet her voice sounded so calm and composed. "I don't...I don't really know...what you have to do, but I'm could be good-"

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