Ch.30 The Dragonous demonic monster

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The darkness of the forest was so thick, but why?
"Sve, Tino, lukas, Emil...get into positions" Mathias ordered as they surrounded the royals. Mathias could feel the eerie silence that lingered in the air, no crickets. The screaming stopped, you couldn't even see the trees in the thickened darkness. This wasn't natural, this was dark magic. Arthur didn't speak, he didn't even think he was breathing. His eyes had gotten used to the darkness and he was so close, so very close to getting home. To the castle, to Alfred. The sun wouldn't be rising yet, and it didn't seem like it would.
"Sve, what time is it?" Mathias asked as the Swedish man already knew despite not looking at his watch. He was diligent with time.


"The sun should have been rising," Mathias commented as calmly as he could, but he knew that this could be his last time with his brothers. The air seemed stale, and no leaves rustled. "Who's out there!" Mathias yelled as he held his axe near by. Suddenly a pair of red gleaming eyes appeared in that darkness, joined with pearly white teeth that looked like fangs.

"I wasn't expecting my guests to leave so soon," the monster spoke as he smirked, more like crazily grinned. A sinister voice, an amused voice that creeped and sent a shiver down everyone's spines. "Leave the Angel and the Devil and you can live," the monster spoke as Mathias tensed. He couldn't sense anymore people, he couldn't see in the darkness.

"Sorry, but Artie and Gilly stay with us," Mathias replied defiantly as he took steps back, his eyes looked around. For any source of weakness, any source of light. Nothing. They monster smirked.

"Well aren't you quite brave,"

"Thanks! It's my specialty, except for partying, ya know" Mathias replied as he joked. The monster looked unamused. Lukas tapped his brother on the shoulder, as he seemed to take Mathias's hand and used it to turn the Danish man around, there was light radiating off of both The Angel and the Devil. Arthur held a Light aura while Gilbert held a Red aura around him. It was still kind. The two of them seemed completely synced in a way, they seemed powerful.

"Brother, let's just use them to help us" Lukas whispered as he saw the monster come closer. Berwald held his sword in his hand and held it towards the monster. Threatening defensive stance, Tino held guns as he narrowed his eyes. They were in complete Knight Mode now.

"Well, I would love to chat but ya know we have to go, we have a date with The Kings" Mathias spoke as he spun around, trying to play it off until Lukas could tell Arthur and Gilbert was to do. Lukas had explained everything he knew quickly, as quickly as possible. While Mathias distracted the monster but...the monster already knew. With a swift flick of the wrist, Mathias was thrown left, tossed away. The Nordics began to charge. Their swords cladding with the scale-y complexion of this monster, the monster looked like a demonic dragon, so weird. The darkness that seeped from him was disgusting, like goo oozing out of his mouth. The darkness that had once surrounded them all began to disappear and finally they could see the sun rising,  the walls of the castle were a good distant away, but the only chance of survival.

Mathias stood up quickly, "now!!" He yelled as both Arthur and Gilbert used their powers and held a hand up, towards the direction of the dragon demonic monster.  A red and white later beamed from both of them, as they used that magic to hurt the monster. The monsters roar was loud, and noticeable, they had done enough to hurt his eye, but not to destroy him. This monster was stronger than them...because of their blood.

Emil quickly tugged on Arthur and Gilberts hands and pulled them into a sprint. The three beginning to run for the castle walls, for safety. "But what about-" Arthur began to say as Emil looked determined to run.

"They won't be killed easily!" Emil assured as he ran with The Angel and Devil, Infront of them was Tino and Lukas running and protecting the oracles, at the same time. While Mathias and Berwald were back there, fighting against this monster who roared, slashed and tried to kill them. He roared one last mighty roar, when suddenly it's spine began to crack. It's bones shifting disgustingly. It was getting smaller...

After what seemed endless running, after they hadn't heard the clashing of swords, the mighty roars or the bones cracking...they were at the castle walls. Emil was out of breath as well as everyone else.
"" Emil ordered as he held keys out, Arthur took the Keys quickly and ran for whatever he was looking for. He found doors on the floor, they seemed to lead into a basement. The Brit opened the basement, and could hear water running, and not only that but smell something weird. A river under the castle?

"They're...the dungeons and escape routes" Tino informed as he began to walk down the ladder into the darkness below. "It's easier to get into the castle through here without letting the huge gates open and let some traitor or even a monster in" Tino cheerfully spoke as Arthur heard the Finnish mans boots hit the concrete ground below. The oracles followed, not wasting a minutes, they looked tired and dirty.

After everyone entered, they waited fifteen minutes, until they heard talking.
"Heyo!" Mathia's familiar voice spoke. "He ran away" Mathias replied as everyone heard the clicking of foots against the ladder, "Sve actually hit the dude hard. With the spear piercing it's right arm"

Berwald said nothing as the two were underground now.

"Are you okay?" Tino asked as he tried to look through the darkness of the underground dungeons but he really couldn't see. Lukas summoned magic and held it in his hands, a small flame showing the way. "Thanks Lukas," Tino said as he inspected Berwald. Trying to see if the Swedish man was too hurt. Mathias smiled.

"Just get married you two" mathias commented as Tino began to blush furiously.

"Wife." Sve said as is hand took Tino's and stared into his eyes intensely. Tino began to blush furiously. Arthur smiled, they were cute. He kinda wished that he and Alfred could get married one day..

After what seemed a small conversation between the Nordic brothers, they began to move down through the corridors of the wet ground, there was a small canal that looked like a super small stream running down there. Arthur looked around, noticing there were cells along the walls, they looked abandoned. Some cells had chains, and even scrapes, scratches. He felt a chill run down his spine, was this perhaps a torture chamber?
"Don't worry! These haven't been used in forever" Mathias assured as he continued to walk, Lukas being his source of light, until they got close to a torch. The Danish man grabbed the torch as Lukas set it alight.

"So what were these cells used for?" Arthur asked, afraid to hear a terrible answer. Mathias was the talkative one, so he answered.

"Well, back then it was used for the usual, torture, interrogation, criminals, you name it. I think there were experiments conducted on criminals here? I think...I'm not sure," Mathias commented as he kept walking, the clicking of footsteps being heard through the underground dungeon. "It will take some time to get through here, but trust me we can make it-" Mathias had begun to say when the ground shook. Trembling under them, or above them. A terrifying Roar was heard. "Shit."

"I think...the monster wants to tear down the wall" Lukas spoke, as the ground stopped trembling and everything was silent before a huge Sound of Thunder was heard outside joining the loudest terrifying roar there could have been ever heard.....

They were running out of time.

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