Ch.35 : Cold, Calculative, Attractive, New Arthur.

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((if you have a song recommended, please tell me so i can add it to this))

Alfred couldn't help the smile on his lips, it was inevitable. Finally seeing his soulmate, one true love and Angel made everything perfect.

"So you're saying...It's arthur but...he doesn't remember being Arthur?" Elizaveta asked confused, the hungarian was still trying to get everything under logic. "How is that even possible? mHe didn't die"

"Hell would i know! But he goes by Henry Frederickson in some Northmagin village, I bet-"

"Henry Frederickson?" Lily asked her green eyes widening. "THE Henry Frederickson?!"

"Yeah, i guess..." Alfred replied as Lily's jaw fell open.

"He is dating The Countess of Northmagin, in other words...He Is known as Mister, not lord.. Oh! And let's not talk about his excellent skills at taming Dragons or Even training them! I have only heard tales of him, but Alfred! if this is OUR Arthur, he has up graded!"

Alfred couldn't understand, his arthur was shy and timid and stubborn and prideful but nothing outgoing or even dating?!

"He Dates Lady Arabella Aurelia of NorthMagin, a distant cousin of Princess Natalya, only. Oh, and Henry Frederickson is rich, i mean RICH. He started working for the countess as her personal knight, and then he became a Knight for The Duke of Northmagin, as he also invested his money on dragons. It started out with baby ones of course but they grew into feisty beautiful rare creatures so Ivan wanted to talk to Mr. Henry Frederickson but Of course he never showed up and instead Arabelle appeared in his absence. Something about being ill or something,"

"How come i didn't know about this?" Alfred asked as the oracles shrugged.

"Gossip isn't your thing?"

"I guess so dudes...I just, cant believe Arthur hasn't been noticed. I mean how long has he been alive and we haven't known about it?! How did he even start dating a countess or even get rich. And how the hell doe-"

"Woow! one question at a time." Elizaveta insisted as she stopped Alfred form ranting.

"If he is...Frederickson-san, " Kiku began to say, " I wouldn't be surprised we didn't know."

"Wait why?"

"Because, Alfred-san. Frederickson-san's Girlfriend, Countess Arabella-san, is none other than one of The greatest witches of all time" Kiku said with an admirable tone.

"Haven Sake, you guys, you sound so happy for Arthur but may i remind you he is MY soulmate, not this...arabella aurimia girl"

"Aurelia" Lily corrected as she could see Alfred was jealous. "besides alfred, don't you think this is karma for rejecting him before?"

"but thats in the past!"

"I think its karma" Elizaveta commented as she laughed. A messenger entered the room holding a letter.

"Your highness, a letter from Northmagin" The messenger informed as they handed the letter to Alfred and left. King Alfred opened the letter only to be surprise to see what was in it. Not only an invitation to the ball of Northmagin, but the list of guests. And guess who was on it, none other than Mister Henry Frederickson, date to Countess Arabella Aurelia.

"I guess we will have to crash a party tonight" Alfred said with a smile. Things were getting even better.



"Hello beautiful," Henry/Arthur greeted his beloved countess as he entered the mansion. The servants took his coat.

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