"What weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?" Reese muttered as she crawled into bed.
"Reese, we're already pass the riddle!"
"Well, it doesn't make sense! Obviously a pound of bricks weighs more. They're bricks!"
"Yes, but if you have a POUND of feathers and a POUND of bricks they both weight a POUND!" The other three Ravenclaws sat in the room and glanced back and forth at the other two.
"That doesn't make sense!"
"Reese, just because you're stupid doesn't mean we should all suffer!"
"Yeah, you're—wait, excuse me? Stupid? I am not stupid! I'm just logical! And it's not logical that bricks and feathers weigh the same!"
"Fine! But tomorrow we are reporting to Professor Flitwick and I'll ask him!"
"Deal! And I'm sure he'll agree with me!"
• • •
"No, Reese, they're both a pound." Professor Flitwick told the girl. Reese slammed her hands down on his desk.
"But Professor, bricks are heavier!"
"Yes, but Reese, if you have feathers that weigh a pound and a brick that weighs a pound, then they're the same."
"What? That doesn't even make sense."
"She's right Professor!" Grace said putting her hands on Reese's shoulders. Professor Flitwick looked at her.
"But Grace-"
"Professor, bricks are heavier than feathers." Grace smiled at the man and looked at Reese. Reese stood there with her arms crossed an a smug smile on her face. Professor Flitwick seemed to get the message.
"Oh right, of course. My apologies, Reese, the knocker must've been wrong."
"Told you so." Reese spun around and exited the room.
"I'm sorry Professor, but she wouldn't shut up!" Grace then followed in her friends footsteps.
While heading towards the Great Hall, Grace dug in her bag and pulled out the dark blue journal. Unlocking it, Grace pressed the book against her chest as she entered the Great Hall.
She sat across from Reese at the end of the table. Reese was busy stuffing her face as Grace got some ink.
Reese stopped eating when she saw Grace's questionable writing utensil.
"Bloody hell Grace! You do know that's your wand right?" Grace looked up as she dipped the tip of her wand into the ink.
"Yeah, I'm aware."
"Why are you doing that?"
"Because I don't have a quill."
"You could borrow mine!"
"No thanks."
"Are you going to eat?"
"I'm not hungry."
"Well, you did eat a lot last night. That's probably still digesting."
"Look who's talking."
"Ashton! Get over here!" Reese shouted to the Gryffindor table. Ashton awkwardly stood up and made his way over.
"Must you yell?" He asked.
"Look at her!" Reese cried pointing at Grace, who wasn't paying attention.
"She's writing in that diary again. What's the problem?"
"Look at what she's writing with."
"Bloody hell, is that your wand? Why are you writing with that! It might ruin your wand!"
"We'll have to find out!" Grace slammed the book shut and jumped up.
"Where are you going?" Reese asked her.
"Away from you two!" Grace grabbed a napkin and stormed out.
Once out of the Great Hall, Grace took out the napkin and wiped off the top of her wand.
"Drop your wand in a bottle of ink, Miss Kellner?" Startled, Grace looked up. Her wand fell from her hand along with the journal.
"Professor Dumbledore! And uh, no. Actually, I was using it to write. I had no quill."
"Ah, writing in that diary of yours? You know what seems very strange, Miss Kellner?"
"What does, Professor?"
"You've had that diary since your first year. You think it would be filled by now."
"Oh, uh I don't write in it much." To avoid the mans gaze, Grace bent down to retrieve her stuff. "Well Professor, I should probably get to class."
"One more thing before you leave. I'm willing to help, just ask." Dumbledore winked at the Ravenclaw then walked away.
Grace stood in the middle of the corridor with her eyes wide.
"Does he know?" She muttered to herself. "He couldn't, I've never told anyone." Grace blinked a few times before shaking her head and walking off to first period.
• • •
"Did you even pay attention in Herbology?" Reese asked after class.
"Not really. My mind was somewhere else."
"It always is. Does your wand still work after dipping it in ink?" Grace rolled her eyes.
"Yes, it does!"
"Don't get attitude with me missy! Or I'll report to your father."
"Oh please, he just told me not to get expelled."
"My mum told me to not get detention." The two girls looked at each other before laughing.
"We both know that's not going to happen!"

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanfictionGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...