"We're starting you off small, so take this dungbomb and throw it at that group of Slytherins." Fred instructed, handing Grace the dungbomb.
"Well, I recognize Draco Malfoy and his group of friends, but who's the blonde?" Grace asked.
"Her names Harley, she's almost as bad as Malfoy." George informed her.
"Right, guys I don't think can do this. I'm just not a pranking type."
"You don't know that yet." Fred teased. Grace sighed.
"All right." She set the dungbomb off and rolled it towards the group. Once it hit Harley's foot, the smell went off.
"Oh, what is that?" Harley shouted, she plugged her nose as she gagged.
"It's a dungbomb!" Malfoy shouted. He began looking around for who did it.
"Come on." George whispered. He gave Grace a shove and she ran away, the twins behind her. They didn't make it far before,
"YOU THREE, GET BACK HERE IMMEDIATELY!" The three came to a stop and turned around. Professor McGonagall stood there, Draco and his friends stood behind her.
"Is this my fault we got caught?" Grace whispered to George as they walked to Professor McGonagall's office.
"Nope," he whispered back, "wrong place wrong time."
"I want you four to go shower, you smell quite foul." Professor McGonagall told the Slytherins. The four walked away, leaving Grace, Fred, and George alone with the angry professor.
"You two, what made you think you should drag Miss Kellner into this!"
"Actually professor–" Grace started.
"Miss Kellner, this it very unusual for you. Thirty points from Ravenclaw, but you will be excused from the detention. Now you two, thirty points each. Detention with me, tomorrow night."
"Professor McGonagall, I said I'd do it. I was the one who supplied them with the dungbomb." Professor McGonagall looked stunned.
"You? You bought the dungbomb and set it off?"
"Well, my father bought the dungbomb for me and I agreed to do it. Fred and George had nothing to do with any of this. If anyone should get detention, it should be me."
"Even graduated your father still manages to cause trouble. But very well, only you, Miss Kellner will have detention tomorrow." Professor McGonagall turned to face the twins. "You two are excused from the detention and I'll only be taking thirty points from Gryffindor. Now, off to bed with the three of you."
"But—" the twins tried to object.
"The situation it settled! Now, all three of you, out!"
• • •
"You do realize, you just got yourself detention?" Fred noted once they left.
"Yes, I know," Grace smiled. "And it was worth it."
"So you enjoyed pranking then?" George smirked.
"Yes, I did. If I don't get detention every time, I might do it again. I'll see you two tomorrow."
• • •
"Detention!" Aspen belted.
"Could you be any louder?" Grace snapped.
"Sorry, it's just not normal for you to have detention."
"She's right Grace," Ashton chimed, "it's not normal."
"You think I don't know that?"
"Well look who it is." A voice sang. Harley stood in front of them. She had straight, dirty blonde hair. Similar to Aspen, but Harley's hair was darker. Her green eyes looked taunting, and she seemed to have a permanent smirk on her face.
"Who the hell are you?" Aspen remarked.
"The name is Harley. How do ya' do?"
"Great! How about—" Grace elbowed Aspen in the arm.
"Hope you enjoyed your little prank Grace, because I'm sure detention will do you just fine."
"Don't act so innocent. I'm sure you've had detention before." Grace barked at the girl.
"Plenty, but that's sort of expected. You're not such a perfect child now, are you? Bet your father and mother are very disappointed. Oh wait, mummy isn't around anymore." Ashton started towards the girl, but Grace put her arm across his chest.
"Never respond to rudeness. When people are rude to you, they revel who they are, not who you are."
"Spoken like a true Ravenclaw. Well, I have better things to do, enjoy your attention!" Harley smirked and walked away.
"Fred and George did say she's almost as bad as Malfoy. No wonder they're friends." Grace mumbled.
"I hate her already." Aspen stated.
"Hate will get you nowhere," Grace replied. "But I hate her too, now come on, I want breakfast."

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanficGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...