The race against time has begun. Dumbledore had demanded that the news about Grace and her journals does not get spread. There was someone in the Order that was telling Voldemort about the spell books. If he found out the Order knew his plans then Grace would be in even more danger.
"The only power we have now is Voldemort does not know that we know he wants Grace's journals, and it must stay that way," Dumbledore instructed. "During any time Grace is not at Hogwarts one of you five must be with her. Grace doesn't know the Dark Lord himself was after her, and it needs to stay that way."
• • •
"This school is full of idiots." Reese said, taking a seat on the edge of Grace's bed. Grace jumped up, being awoken from her nap.
"Hmm, took you seven years to understand that?" Grace asked with a smile.
"I knew all along, I just chose to not believe it."
"Well, are you ready to head to Hogsmeade?" Grace asked. She slipped her journals in her bag and wrapped her scarf around her neck.
"Yeah, after this Hogs Head thing I have to meet with Lee. Sorry mate."
"You're fine, Ashton is going with Wyatt and I'll just go with the twins."
"What about Aspen?" Reese asked, which caused Grace to sigh.
"I'll think she'll be with Cedric. By the way Ashton and I have to confront her one day if you'd like to join."
"Confront her?"
"Ashton and I saw Cedric kiss her the other day. Something is going on with those two."
"I see, well, let's go and we'll worry about that later." Reese told her. Grace nodded and the two left the room.
As they walked to Hogsmeade, Grace walked with Reese, Aspen, and Ashton. The four going off about Umbridge.
"She's a foul human being." Aspen stated. Reese raised an eyebrow.
"Can something that mean be a human?" Reese asked.
"Well, Harley is human." Grace mentioned.
"Then again, Harley didn't cause you to get a scar." Ashton said, lifting up Grace's left hand.
"And Harley doesn't wear and overload of pink." Aspen said with a shake of her head.
"I didn't think that much pink existed in the universe." Grace added.
"Her voice is like nails on chalkboard." Reese said with a shudder. When they approached the Hog's Head, Reese shook her head.
"This place is sketchy." She stated.
"Let's just go in, we're already late," said Grace. She walked in, the other three following behind her. Everyone turned to look at them.
"Sorry we're late, we were a bit preoccupied with something." Ashton stated, glaring at Grace and Reese.
"Excuse me, she took the nap!" Reese cried.
"Because you kept me up all night with your complaining." Grace mentioned.
"You're fine." Harry told them. Grace walked up to the bartender.
"Four Butterbeers, please." Looking extremely agitated, the man completed the request. Reese turned around and groaned.
"You're here?" She asked the Hufflepuff boy.
"I am, why are you here?" He asked.
"Uhh, because I can be." Reese stated. The boy opened his mouth to argue, but Grace stopped him.
"Unless you want to walk out of here with all your limbs, I suggest you shut it."
The group went on, talking about Harry's achievements. Grace was quite impressed with the fact Harry could produce a Patronus.
"If only they knew the things I could do." Grace thought. She immediately scolded herself for being so arrogant all off a sudden.
"The best of all," Reese began, "is he always seems to get exams canceled." A wave of cheers and laughter made itself present at this comment.
As the meeting went on the boy Zacharias Smith seemed extremely skeptical. Grace understood why Reese seemed to be annoyed by the boy. Grace was sure the boy was forced against his own will to come. The next question was how often would the group meet?
"Right, well, obviously it can't interfere with anyone's Quidditch." Grace said after a person from each team made a complain.
"Or my ballet practices. Sorry, but unlike you people I have to worry about that." Julia mentioned. After getting back on topic and deciding once a week another question popped up. Where would they have these meetings?
"Library?" Katie Bell suggested.
"I can't see Madam Pince being too chuffed with us doing jinxes in the library," Harry stated. Grace scoffed.
"I can't see her being too chuffed with this many kids in the library at once." Grace mentioned. Several kids nodded. In the end no one could think of a place to hold the meetings.
Fred and George cheerfully wrote down their signatures when Hermione pulled out the parchment. Lee followed them along with Grace, Aspen, Reese, and Ashton. Leslie and Rowan seemed extremely happy to sign their names. Julia hesitated for a moment, but wrote her name down. William shrugged and uttered a, "why not?" After that many more people seemed to hesitate.
"We are prefects." Ernie pointed out. Julia shrugged.
"And I'm Head Girl, but my name is on the paper." She stated. That didn't seem to convince everyone.
"Ernie, do you really think I'd leave that list laying around?" Hermione cried. After that everyone wrote their names down. Once it was over Reese went with Lee while Aspen walked towards Cedric. Ashton and Grace glanced at each other, but said nothing.

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanfictionGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...